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Mbuso gets up and goes to the bathroom and i turn and face the other way wiping my tears off. He comes back picks me up and we get into the shower and he washes my whole body quietly and I do the same. We finish getting dressed and everything and still no one is talking and it makes me wonder what is my uncle going to say that mbuso knows and is making him nervous.

Me:" what is it that is scaring you? "

Him:" will you hold me " he looks so vulnerable right now and I dont like it at all. I don't like this weak man that i'm seeing in front of me. I go to him and we we hug. He kisses me on the forehead then looks at me, takes my hand we leave the bedroom and go downstairs and find sims stuffing her face with food.

Her:" good day love birds " she says smiling

Me:" hey sis "

Mbuso:" hi " he says low and we both look at him

Sims:" you look bad mbuso, did luh not give you some cause I swear I heard her scream your name more than once "

Me:" ew sims you were listening? "

Her:" hell no i was passing by coming to the kitchen and you decided to scream his name at that exact moment. Yoh luh youre loud "

Me:" shut up" I say getting shy and mbuso looks at me and smiles, a sad smile.

Me:" you're eating yesterday's left overs? "

Her:" it's food and it still tastes good"

Me:" you want me to make you something? " I look at mbuso

Him:" yeah but i'll be in my office. I have to call frank and find out how far they are from here with your uncle "

Me:" ok " he kisses my cheek then leaves us.

Sims:" what happend, he looks so sad?"

Me:" I think he wants us to break up and get a divorce " I take things out and start to cook

Her:" what?, why, "

Me:" I dont know. I think it is something to do with uncle and I also told him that I want a divorce "

Her:" oh luh, I know he treated you like shit but do you really want that divorce? "

Me:" we dont love each other sims and i think he is hiding some things from me "

Her:" maybe he is stressed that he can't find your sister "

Me:" maybe. I can't wait for uncle to get here because I need answers and he's the only one who'll give them to me "

Her:" what's going on luh? "

Me:" I don't know sims, i don't know "

Me:" sims what did you mean when you said there's something different about mbuso "

Her:" the way he looked at you the first timen was different to how he looked at you now "

Me:" maybe it was lust and you did say that he wanted to be in my pants so bad and so when he did, that spark left because he got what he wanted "

Her:" you guys make a good looking couple though "

Me:" that's all we're good at "

Her:" and having great sex too "

Me:" shut up sims man " I throw the lettuce at her

Voice:" there are kids who would give anything to have that lettuce " I turn around and see my uncle looking good and smiling. Mbuso is standing next to him. I stand there and look at this man i've always adored and loved and thought that when i get married i would like to marry a man who is like him.

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