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Dad and mbuso left after having breakfast and I think they are trying to find out who was that man that claims I'm his and at this point I just want all of this to be over, I want buhle and her parents out of my life and I don't care what they do with them cause I feel like it they are kept alive I'm always going to have a target on my back and I'll have to look over my shoulder everytime.

I'm laying on the couch and reading a magazine about parenting when my brother walks in looking like he did not sleep. He stops when he sees me and comes and sits next to me and he sighs deeply like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Me:" are you okay? " we speak at the same time

Him:" I'm sorry " we look at each other and we both smile then laugh

Me:" I'm not mad at you, I'm just worried about you cause you don't look like yourself "

Him:" I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean to snap at you "

Me:" it's water under the brigde, come and let me, us make something to eat "

Him:" thank you sis, I'm hungry. Where's mah "

Me:" she left looking all good and said something about meeting someone for a date "

Him:" she's dating "

Me:" of course she is, she's still young "

Him:" I wonder who "

Me:" as long as she's happy I'm good "

Him:" what do you want to eat? "

Me:" chicken mayo sandwich please but can I have milk and cookies first? " he looks at me and smiles

Him:" you know when you were little, you used to love cookies and milk, you'll take my hand and lead me to the cookie jar mom used to have and it was full chocolate chip cookies then I'll give you a glass of milk and you dip the cookie and say you want one " he smiles " I used to hate it at first but then it grew on me and it was something we did almost's funny cause I had forgetten that memory until now " I smile wipe my tears off

Me:" I wish I had that memory " he takes my hand

Him:" I promise you that I'll do it with your kids and you'll do it with my kids and when one of us needs to talk we'll do that, only the two of us will know "

Me:" I promise too, thank you for giving me that "

Him:" no thank you for being the light we didn't know we needed until you came "

Me:" you're going to make me cry " we hug

Him:" you've always been a cry baby "

Dad:" just like her mom " dad say with a smile on his face and mbuso is smiling too

Sicelo:" I'm sorry dad, I'm sorry brother for yesterday "

Dad:" it's fine "

Mbuso:" no apologies needed "

Me:" all my favourite men in one room and they all get along I'm so lucky "

Dad:" I'm your only favourite man "

Me:" yes you are dad " I wink at mbuso

Dad:" I saw that " we all laugh.

Me:" anyone else hungry? "

Mbuso:" you're not cooking, I'll cook "

Me:" I don't wanna die "

Him:" baby I've never cooked for you so let me show you what my mama taught me "

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