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“ what do you mean we are going to my house sicelo? ” she hiccups. “ stop crying baby. The kids don’t like to see you crying. We will talk when we get home. ” she nods.

“ daddy? ” kamo calls me. I look at mbuso and he smiles. “ yes my little angel? ”

“ are you sad too? ” she asks me and I smile. “ I am angel. But daddy will be fine. ” she nods. “ it’s okay to cry daddy.” I chuckle and kiss her forehead. I look at kagiso and his head is on my chest. He has stopped crying but I sense his anger. He is very angry. I kiss his head and sigh. Mbuso drives around then drives in to this house he sent me pictures of.

It is huge and beautiful and I know that it is my sister who found it. He parks outside the garage. “ baby take the kids and go check out your new home.” Mbuso gives her the keys. She nods and takes them. “ kids go with mom to the house. I want to talk with your uncles.” Kagiso shakes his head no and refuses.

“ kagiso I’m not leaving you son. We will be here in the car. ” he still shakes his head no. “ can I stay with you here daddy please? ” he asked me this once and I told him something else and now that he’s asking me again, I cannot refuse him and say no twice. ”

“ ok champ. Baby take kamo and go in the house. Celeste will be with you. ” she nods.

“ I just wanted to say thank you all for being here. I know you don’t know me but what you did for all of us today I will never forget. Thank you and I’m sorry meeting you for first time was like this. ” she says to mbuso and bonga. I don’t like that she looks ashamed.

“ don’t ever apologize for a situation you had no control over and never feel ashamed around us. You are our family now and whatever you go through, we all experience it with you.” Mbuso ssays “ thank you ” she says.

“ these kids are also our kids now. We will do anything to protect you  and our kids. No one messes with our family. ” bonga says. I’m really grateful to have them in my life. “ thank you again. ” she takes kamo and they go to the door. She unlocks the house then gets in. I see her shoulders shaking. She’s crying. They get in and close the door behind them.

I look at my brothers and sigh. I am so emotionally drained and very mad. “ thank you for being here with me. I don’t know what I could have done if you were not here. ”

“ we are brothers and you know we always have your back. We wouldn’t let you come here alone after telling us what was happening to them. ” bonga says. I nod. “ how did you find us cause I didn’t tell you where we were in the road. ” I ask them.

“ you know I’m tracking everyone. We drove here before you then followed you to the garage. I had to see for myself and find out more about them. ” I knew he would do that.

“ thank you brothers. Thank you. ” they nod. “ we will talk once this little man let’s go of me. ” they smile.

“ you really are great with them. The love you all have for each other is amazing mam. I’m happy for you brothers I really am.” Mbuso says.

“ I understand now why bonga was mad when Sims didn’t show up with the kids. I thought I was going to have a heart attack seeing them in that state. ” I tell them.

“ yeah man when kids love you, they wholeheartedly love you. I love those boys man. I would do anything for them. ” we nod and then get silent.

“ daddy? ” kagiso says looking up at me. “ hey champ?, you feeling better now? ” he doesn’t say anything. I’m worried about him. “ uncle hit mama and grandma pushed kamo and she fell. Grandpa wanted to hit mama too but I ran away to tell you that they were hurting them daddy. I was scared daddy. ” I bring him to my chest and hold him. “ it’s okay champ. Daddy and your uncles will fix it okay? ” he agrees. “ yes daddy.”