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We go upstairs to the office and we sit down as he closes the door  so we can have some privacy. We all take a seat at the couch in the office and he looks at us.

" so guys what can I help you with "

" I have a twin brother that I didn’t know existed and we have been trying to find him for almost three years now and we haven’t had any luck. So we are hoping a man like you, who has resources that I don’t seem to have can help me find him." he looks at me shocked.

" you didn’t know you had a twin brother? How is that even possible man? "

" I am serious man. Its a long story, I will tell you about it but now I just need you to help me find him cause I have no idea if he’s alive or not? "

" tell me exactly how you found out. " I guess I can tell him cause he’s about to help me find my brother so he deserves to know everything and not be kept in the dark in case he happens to find him so I tell him everything my mom did and what we found out when we went to oPhongolo.

" wow I cant believe she did that. kept that gruesome secret for all those years and didn’t say anything?. Man I thought my mom was worse and she might be but yours is worse and she’s still alive? Why? "

" yes she is cause we haven’t decided what to do and frankly it’s dad decision to make. Can you help me though? "

" I will help you guys cause you saved my niece from that monster. She could have been sold anywhere in  the world and we would have never found her if it wasn’t for you guys so thank you and this is nothing. I'll help you find him. Mabutho my brother was in the military and he knows people so between us, we can help you find both of them. "

" thank you. How long do you think that might take? "

" just give me a couple of days then we'll have something for you."

" I would really appreciate it if you guys can find anything that might be of help. " he nods.

" when are you guys leaving Pretoria ? "

"  since you asked my wife to cook you dinner then we'll leave tomorrow for Joburg cause I have to go and see my little brother at his house. He hasn’t been home in a long time cause he's still dealing with our mother's betrayal. "

" fuck man that’s hard. I wouldn’t blame him if he wanted nothing to do with the family. cause i definitely would do the same."

" yeah that’s some fucked up shit they are all going through but I know they will be a family again. I'm just worried about how Qwabe is handling this whole situation. "

" and he went to see my mom after almost three years of not seeing her. "

" It must be hard cause everything rests on him. Where is she? "

" at sbu farm in the free state. She has people watching over her so she wont run away or try something stupid but she's well taken care of. " I tell him.

" yeah. Qwabe should be there by now. 5i hope he wont kill her."

" if he wanted to, he would have killed her the very same day he found out the truth about what she did." I tell them.

" I would have killed my wife if she did that. I wouldn’t care man cause I’m my eyes that’s total betrayal."

" its hard being him right now. " sbu says.

" do you think if it happens that your birth mother is alive,  what will your dad do? " Mbuyiselo asks.

" if she still loves him and remembers him and possibly not married maybe he will take her as his second wife." sbu says and I give him what the fuck look!. they laugh at me.

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