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I've been stuck in this boardroom since coming to work in the morning having meetings with all the department heads and the share holders. Everyone bringing me up to speed since we are about to start the new annual budget meeting and implementing the new ideas to grow the company.

My head is not in this meeting. I keep thinking about Luh and how I left her peacefully sleeping in the morning. I search my pocket looking for my phone and I don't have it. I must have left it in my office. I look at my assistant Sihle who's sitting next to me typing.

Me:" Go and get my phone in my office. I left it there"

Her:" It's here sir. I took it when you left it and put it on silent because you said you didn't want any disturbance during the meeting" I look at her and try to remember when did I tell this girl to touch my phone

Me:" who the hell gave you permission to touch my phone and set it on silence? " it's only her who can hear me.

Her:" Sir I thought.... "

Me:" Don't you ever and I mean ever touch my phone again"

Her:"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again"  I take my phone and look at it, no calls just emails that I meeed to go through then I place it down and as soon as I do that, it flashes an incoming call from Thomas and I frown

Me:" Thomas? "

Thomas:" Boss?, madam fainted and we're in the hospital " I stand up so fast the while room gets quiet

Me:" what?, when?, where are you now? "

Him:" Sandton medi_clinic "

Me:" I'm coming now " I feel so cold right now my mind thinking of different reasons why she fainted....God!. Frank comes in barging through the door.

Frank:" G. we have to go"  the guys stand up and look at me

Themba:" G what's wrong? "

Me:" I'll explain later, will you take over the meeting " he nods

Bheka:" You need us to come with you? "

Me:" I'll call you guys if I need you "

Mandla:" we'll take over. go fix whatever that needs your attention " I take my phone and call her and it sends me straight to voicemail.

Me:" thanks guys " I leave them and follow Frank then we head to Sandton medi clinic. when we get to the hospital I see Thomas looking frantic and scared. I get out of the car before Frank even parks and go to Thomas who's coming towards us.

Me:" Take me to her"

Him:" Boss... "

Me:" what's wrong with her?, is she okay? "

Him:" Boss she's not here"

Me:" what do you mean she's not here, you took her here right? "

Him:" I did boss but when I went to her room after the doctor discharged her she...she was gone" I feel a very cold chill go down my back.

Me:" what?, were you not suppose to watch over her and protect her? " I punch him hard then go inside and look for the reception area and see a lady there.

Me:" Hi, My wife was here Mrs Lungi Gumede. I want to see the doctor that was treating her"

Her:" afternoon sir... uhm it was doctor tambo let me call him" she dials the speaks for a few minutes then some doctor appears

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