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Dad:" Why is everyone still in the kitchen, did you not hear the cars hooting outside?, go outside and welcome them" We all go outside and start ululating, making happy noise. My mom is in her bedroom sleeping I think, I don't know if she's allowed to be outside and shame I feel very sorry for her but there's nothing I can do to make her feel better. Sims and I leave our aunts outside and other cousins and we go to the kitchen to prepare refreshments for the elders.

Sims:" I wonder what's going to happen after they find out that buhle is gone"

Me:" I think they'll just ask for their money back and leave..... I mean there's nothing they can do".

Sims:" I hope so sis"

We finish preparing drinks and snacks then leave them on the table for our aunts to take them to the living where everyone is sitted then we go to sit in my bedroom and my brother enters and closes the door behind him.

Thami:" Guys why are you sitting here it's so hot, you should be outside under the tree shade"

Me:" It's also hot outside thami yoh and where were you because I haven't seen you since the morning."

Him:" I went to see my friends couldn't stand the tension in the house"

Sims:" Buhle and her drama, one day she's going to regret what she did"

Him:" I doubt the spoiled princess will regret it " We all laugh.

Me:" Let's take a walk and go to the shops, it's not like we're needed here"

Thami:" Yeah plus maybe we'll buy 12 savanah and hide them then we'll drink them here in your room luh "

Me:" I'll buy them but they shouldn't see us" I take my R300 on my purse then comb my afro then look at my long sleeve orange maxi dress and I look good then we leave.

Thami:" Aw my beautiful yellow bone sister, if only it was you getting married I would been on top of the world right now really happy! "

Me:" Ugh please, I need a boyfriend first then all of that will come later" We laugh

Thami:" what happened to Paul I thought you liked him? "

Me:" He got tired of me because you know how dad is and so he couldn't deal with it"

Thami:" He didn't deserve you and it's his loss" He puts his arm around my shoulder and the other around sims shoulder we continue to walk.

Me:" Ncooh thanks lil bro" I pinch his cheek, he smacks my hand off and we laugh.

Thami:" I'm taller than you so I'm your big brother " I roll my eyes.

The cars outside our yard, they are huge SUVs all in black color, yoh I have never seen such huge cars. We pass them then go straight down the road to the shops. We are laughing making jokes and as we're walking there's this huge Porsche car maroon matte in colour and it looks absolutely beautiful and out of place because it is just standing there on it's own.

The windows are tinted and you can't see inside but you can make out the figures in the car. When thami sees the car he makes all kinds noise praising the car and talking about all the stuff it has and does blah, blah, blah and we laugh at him. As we pass the car about few minutes there's this thing that tells me to look back and I do and see the window of the car we have passed has been rolled down. Someone has opened it and it feels like they watching us and it freaks me out.

Me:" Guys maybe we should go back home, I don't feel safe"

Thami:" What's wrong luh? "

Me:" I don't know, there's this weird feeling like something bad is going to happen and it's scaring me "