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I had the most wonderful holiday of my life. Being a line withy husband and spending time with him was what we both needed. To be alone and away from everyone. I thought a holiday was all we were going to have but I was wrong cause he was busy organizing something for us and he flew out whole family to be with us and celebrate the special moment between us. I was most happy to see my boys cause I missed them so much.
I look at all if them and they are happy, laughing and dancing. Eating, drinking and having great conversations. I wish Mah was here too to be with us but I know she’s with us spiritually. Baba is with my husband and they look like they are having a serious relationship.
The bouquet I had I shared it with zipho's soon to be wives and Sbani because I’m hoping that they will all get married. I could see that Sbani didn’t want to accept the shared bouquet but then she took it. I didn’t know what’s with her but sometimes I feel like she doesn’t like me and that does hurt me because I didn’t know what I have done to offend her.
Sims and lesego come and sit with me. They look so happy to be here and I can’t wait for them to see what I have brought for them. They are going to love it and I also brought something special for all of us including zipho’s wives and Sbani too but I’m having doubts if I should give it to her or not.
“ we are all dancing and you’re here looking kind of sad. What’s wrong ” Sims asks.
“ Nothing is wrong. I’m just enjoying the moment and happy to have all of you here. Thank you for helping my husband plan all of this.”
“  The pleasure was all our.” Lesego says smiling.
“ How are you feeling?. ” I ask Sims.
“ tired, hungry and bloated most of the time and oh let’s not forget that I’m always horny. ” we laugh.
“ I can’t wait to meet this little person you’re carrying.” She laughs.
“ three more months then I’ll be done.”
“ are you guys going to have more kids?. ” lesego asks
“ Yeah we decided that after this baby we will try for another one then we are done.”
“ what about you guys?. ” I ask lesego.
“ I want as many babies with my man. I’m ready to fall pregnant three times then I’m done. ” we laugh.
“ Are you guys trying too?. ”
“ yeah we are. Everyday. ” we laugh. “ I can’t wait to go back home and finalise the boys birthday party.”
“ oh yeah, when is it again?. ” Sims asks.
“ next weekend.” I’m so excited.
Sbani walks to us and she really looks happy. She was dancing with her man and they make a really beautiful couple. I think they have sorted out their issues and I hope they will get married.
“ Hey guys. ” she sits down. We greet her back but lesego just looks at her. I nudge her arm.
“ how is Paris for you?. ” lesego asks her.
“ Oh I love it. I mean just look. The Eiffel Tower is just next to us. This is amazing.”
“ it really is.”
“ Do you like sbu?. ” why would lesego ask her that?.
“ yes I do. ” she frowns.
“ do you love him?.” She asks her again.
“ uhm why are you asking all of those questions?. ”
“ I’m asking you cause you got all weird when luh gave you part of her bouquet. You made things awkward there like you didn’t want it.” Oh lesego.
“ maybe she was shocked and wasn’t expecting it.” I answer.
“ Nah she looked like she didn’t want it. We all saw it.” Sims says.
“ But she accepted it and that’s all that matters guys. Just let it go. ”
“ Sbani did you want the bouquet?. ” lesego asks again. I sigh. I don’t want Sbani to feel like she’s being attacked.
“ I wouldn’t have taken it if I didn’t want it. ” she says defensively.
“ guys can you give us some space?. I would like to talk to Sbani alone.” they get up and leave.
“ I’m sorry about that. I hope they didn’t make you feel like they were attacking you. ”
“ No they didn’t.” we both get quiet and it feels awkward.
“ Thank you for your support and coming here. It means a lot to me and my and my husband.”
“ I wanted to see Paris too and sbu had to be for his best friend.”
“ Sbani I’m just going to come out and say it. I could be wrong and I’m sorry if what I’m going to say might make you feel a certain way but I have to ask this. Do you not like me or maybe did I do something to offend you cause sometimes I feel like you don’t like me and there will be this awkward tension between us and I don’t know why. I also did feel like you weren’t thrilled when I came to you and gave you that bouquet and I’m sorry if I put you on the spot. I didn’t mean it.” She keeps quiet for a while then looks at me.
“ You are a nice person luh and you didn’t do anything wrong to me.” I wait for her to continue and but she doesn’t.
“ Then the awkwardness or vibes that I get  from you what is the cause of them if I did nothing wrong?. ” she shakes her head.
“ It’s just that when I look at you every time I look at the woman…. ” my husband and sbu walk to us and sbani stops talking. I sigh. My husband kisses my cheek and sits facing me.
“ What are you two talking about?. ” sbu asks.
“ nothing serious. ” sbani answers. “ ah I’m going to get something to drink. ” she stands up and leaves us. My husband looks at me and frowns.
“ love? What’s wrong? ”
“ Nothing… . I don’t know.”
“ what happened?. ” my husband asks.
“ I might be wrong and maybe seeing things but I sometimes get the feeling that sbami doesn’t like me. Like there’ll be this weird tension between us and I don’t know why. I tried to talk to her about it but she didn’t want to say or she was before you two came to sit with us.”
My husband and sbu look at each other. Sbu sighs and shakes his head.
“ I’ll go talk to her.” Sbu says. Talk about what with her?.
“ be easy on her bro.” he sighs
“ I’m sorry luh. I’ll talk to her.” He gets up, goes to her and they talk for a while and then they leave. Sbani doesn’t look happy at all.
“ what is going on baby?.”
“ Let’s go to bed I’m sure you’re tired.”
“ Baby?. ”
“ I’ll explain. Come.”
“ Isn’t it rude to leave all of then here? ”
“ like that has stopped us before. They’ll be fine and look at them. They are having fun and our boys are already sleeping.”
“ I was hoping we’ll sleep with them ”
“ hell no. Not tonight. ” he takes my hand and we leave the roof top and go to our honeymoon suit.
He picks me up and I giggle. He opens the door and carries in inside he lays me on the bed.
“ Aren’t you going to lock the door? ”
“ it locks itself love.” He says but then gets up and runs out of the bedroom then he comes back after a while and finds me taking off my dress. He helps me take it off.
“ you look good love.”
“ thank you baby.”
We both get in the bathroom and shower. After we are done we get in bed and I lay my head on his chest.
“ What’s going on with sbani and sbu?. ”
“ remember when you told me that sbani once said that sbu love’s this woman he won’t have?. ”
“ uh huh ”
“ Sbani knows the woman and I think maybe that’s why she’s been like that around you. ”
“ What does that have got to do anything with me?..... ” I look at him. “… no wait. Me? I’m the woman sbu supposedly loves? ” he keeps quiet. “ no! Hell no it’s not me.” I sit up.
“ You know I’ve done things in the past with sbu and we’ve like the same type of woman. I know he loves you and I also know that he won’t try anything funny with you that’s how much I trust him ” oh my God that explains the tension and all those things.
“ why the hell would sbu tell her that knowing that he’s going to bring her around us? ”
“ he didn’t tell her. You know that she sometimes can see these things or maybe gogo xulu don’t her. I don’t know love. ”
“ does sbani realize that I am married to you and I love only you. I’m not a threat to her relationship with sbu.”
“ I know love. I think she’s just insecure and she’s still young. As she gets to know you she’ll realize that she has nothing to worry about.”
“ Baby you knew and you didn’t tell me. ” I lay my head in his chest again. He kisses my forehead.
“ Because it doesn’t matter to me. I love you and you love me. Just give her time okay?. ”
“ you are okay with knowing that your best friend feels that way about me? ”
“ If maybe it ever happened that sbu was in my place right now and I was in his. I would feel the same way he’s feeling towards you.”
“ But he loves her and wants her. Why doesn’t she see that?. ”
“ maybe she does and maybe she doesn’t. Maybe she feels jealous of you and maybe inferior. ”
“ if there’s anyone she should be feeling jealous of is Sims. She once slept with her man and not me! ” my husband laughs.
“ Don’t let this thing upset you. She’ll get over her little insecurities love.”
“ I hope so cause I hate the way she feels around me or make me feel.”
“ don’t worry about her okay. ” I nod. He gets between my thighs. “ Tomorrow we are going home. Are you excited?. ”
“ I miss my home and I miss our bed.” He kisses me deeply and leaves me breathless.
“ love? ”
“baby…” he thrusts inside me and I moan.
“ Do. You. Have. Something. To. Tell. Me?.” with each word he thrusts in deeply making my toes curl. I grab his ass and push him deeper in me.
“ love?. ”
“ Hmmmm ”
“ Tell me what I want to hear. ”  he changes his pace and thrusts fast
“ I… love you. Thank you… .. Ooohhhh… Thank you for an amazing day and the whole week… yesssss ” he chuckles.
“ Tell me love please….. ” Does my husband suspect that I am pregnant?.
“ Look at me.” He thrusts slow. I entwine our hands together and wrap my legs around his waist.
“ Thank you for being my everything and giving me the life I have right now. ” he smiles. “ I  wake up everyday and I always thank God for everything that I have and the blessings he always blesses us. I thank God and our ancestors that they have made it possible for us again to have another baby.” His whole face changes and he stops thrusting.
“ love?... Are you telling me that you, we are we pregnant? That we are having another baby?. ” his dick grows inside me.
“ We are going to have another little gumede on the family ” he smiles.
“ Thank you. Thank you MaNgcobo for making me a man and helping me grow my lineage. Thank you sthandwa sam.”
He moves our hands to over my head. We kiss passionately and we make sweet. Sweet love.
The next morning my husband and I flew with our kids with my brother and his wife, my aunt with drank and aunt lwethu.The others got in different flights then sbu, sbani bonga busani, Sims and zipho with his wives flew together and I haven’t seen any of the since that day. I’m expecting the shipment to come in a few days and I am so excited.
My husband is in his office with his brother and they are working with something. I got a call from gogo Xulu that I must remind my father in law about the ceremony for busani then the ceremony expected at uPhongolo must be done after. I want everything to be done so I can focus on my pregnancy. I did tell aunt lwethu what gogo said and she said they’ll begin preparing for the ceremony and busani is excited.
I haven’t told my sisters yet and I hope my dad didn’t tell my brother that I’m pregnant cause he will tell his wife and then everyone will know. Sis nonto is at home with us and I don’t know how things are between her and my dad but I have seen her looking at her phone and giggling a lot. I hope they are working things out.
Celeste has come out from wherever she was. I heard her talking with my husband apologizing for not being able to attend the funeral. I can’t wait to see her and hear where she was hiding all this time. I’m enjoying my ice cream when my phone rings. I pick it up and it’s sbani. We haven’t talked since that night.
“ hello? ”
“ Hi luh, how are you? ”
“ I’m good sbani how are you? ”
“ I’m good too. Can we meet for lunch today. There’s something I would like to talk to you about.” I keep quiet cause I really don’t know if I want to hear what she has to say.
“ I don’t know sbani ”
“ Please luh. ”
“ ok, where are we meeting? ”
“ At sbu's family restaurant. You know it right? ”
“ yeah I do. ”
“ Ok can you be there in an hour? ”
“ ohk I’ll see you there then. ”
“ Thanks. ” she hangs up I sigh.
“ What’s wrong? ” busani asks sitting next to me taking my spoon and eats my ice cream.
“ go get your own ice cream ”
“ I want this one ” we laugh. “ tell me what’s wrong. ” I sigh.
“ sbu's girlfriend wants us to have lunch and I’m not sure if I want to go even though I already said I would meet with her.”
“ what’s wrong with having a lunch? ”
“ it’s not about the food. It’s about what she will say. ”
“ just go and hear her out love ” my husband sits on my other side.
“ This is so weird. Seeing the two of you on my sides. ” I shake my head.
“ so what are you going to do? ” busani asks eating my Tinroof again. I don’t like him right now.
“ Busani stop eating my wives ice cream ” my husband says but he scoops some too and grins and they laugh.
“ I swear to god baby that you will wake up at 2am to go and buy me my ice cream if it runs out. ”
“ why 2am? ” busani asks confused. Mbuso looks at me asking for permission.
“ because we having another baby brother and please keep it to yourself. We want to finish the third trimester before we tell everyone. ”
Busani looks at me and smiles. He kisses my cheek then pulls me to a tight hug.
“ I’m so happy for you guys. Oh my God I can’t believe were having a baby ” he says excitedly. We laugh.
“ Yes we are. ” my husband says.
“ I can’t wait to have my family too.”
“ and you’re not getting younger busani. You don’t want to play with your first born when your 45 or 50 God! ” I shake my head and laugh.
“ Well if me and my partner can’t have kids then I’ll ask you and your husband to carry the baby first us.” I look at my husband
“ what does that mean? ”
“ It means that I am bisexual and I don’t know who I’ll spend the rest of my life with. It could be a woman  or a man. ”
“ or both ” I say and we laugh.
“ Yeah maybe both who knows. But if it ever happens that I end up with a man. I would like you to be our surrogate mother luh but only when you and your husband agrees.” My husband and I look at each other.
“ Will it be your own seed or your partners? ” I ask him.
“ I want the kids to be of the Gumede bloodline. We’ll get an egg donor then you’ll be our surrogate mother.”
“ It sounds like you have been thinking about this for long ” I tell him.
“ I have but when I see how you are with the people you love and all the kids in this family. ”
“ we’ll talk about that with my husband and if that time comes we’ll let you know. Right baby? ”
“ everything she said bro ”
“ ok then. I guess I have to go and change for my lunch with sbani ” I get up.
“ Do you want me to come and help you change. ” I slap his hand away from my ass and they laugh.
I watch both of them sitting on the couch and they look so alike. They are eating my Ice cream.
“ I’m happy that you found each other ” they smile. My husband winks at me. I giggle.
“ I’m driving you to your lunch ” mbuso says and I nod.
An hour later we are on our way to the restaurant.
“ I wish you didn’t tell me that sbu feels that way about me. ”
“ Why? ”
“ I just feel bad for sbani and on the other hand I feel like sbu should just get over what he feels for me ”
“  He will love. When he finally finds someone who’ll be his everything like you are to me ”
“ You don’t think sbani is the one? ”
“ I’m mot sure about her. She’s too young for him and maybe a little naïve.  Sbu needs a woman and sbani is just a girl ”
“ I was a girl too when I met you ”
“ Never love. You were a matured woman. Nothing like sbani ” he Paris the car.
“ Are you going to wait for me? ”
“ I’m coming with love ”
“ she’s going to freak baby and not talk. You know how you are ” he chuckles. Get out of the car and opens the door. He takes my hand and I step out.
“ sbu is expecting me. Come ”
We walk in the restaurant.
“ What do you think about what busani said? ”
“ Hell no. They can get their own surrogate. My dick going in and out of there and my kids are the only ones coming out of that pussy. ” my god did he have to say that?.
They take us to the where sbani and sbu are sitting. We greet each other, Sbu stands up and kisses my cheek and they bro hug with mbuso. Sbani stand up to and gives me a hug. Ohk I wasn’t expecting it. We all sit down.
“ I thought this lunch was about us girls only? ”
“ I asked sbu to ask ubhuti mbuso to come too. ” she explains. I nod. The waiter comes and we place orders.
“ so you have been here this whole time? ” I ask sbani
“ Yes. I love it here but I miss gogo too. I’m leaving tomorrow. ”
“ I miss her too. ” she smiles. I don’t feel any tension or vibes from her.
“ so uhm sis luh… ” oh I’m sis luh today. Ok I’m not complaining. “ I would like to apologize to you and your husband for how I have been behaving around you especially when you welcomed me with warm arms into your lives and home. I just let my jealousy get in the way and I took it out on you and I’m sorry. I thought you knew how sbu feels about you but I was wrong and I’m sorry. ”
“ Sbani I didn’t know that he felt that way about me. I am not a threat to your relationship if you felt that way sbani. I am a married woman as you know and there will never be another man for me in this world other than my husband. Whatever sbu thinks  he feels for me will eventually go away. I think maybe he just wishes that he had the kind of love my husband and I have that’s all. Maybe he would want that his woman to have certain qualities about me that he likes and please don’t take this the wrong way sbani. I don’t think sbu has compared you to me and said things that offended you. I could be wrong but I don’t know.” She looks at sbu who has been looking at her the whole entire time.
“ forget about what he thinks he feels for me. Focus on the love he has for you. Look at how he’s looking at you. It’s the same way my husband looks at me. If you focus on things that don’t matter then your relationship will have problems. Sbani these two men are very important to each other and I would never get between them or even cause problems. I won’t let anyone else to come between their relationship. Not even you.” She looks me 
“ who is my brother to you? ” my husband asks her 
“ I love him. ” she says without a doubt. I smile and take her hand.
“ that’s what I wanted to hear. You didn’t think about it. You just said it cause you mean it.” My husband says. “ sbani I know you are still young and there’s a lot you need to learn about relationships because you don’t have experience in that department. You are going to be married in the Royal Family and be in a polygamous relationship. You are going to need all the support you can get from the people closest to you and that is us. All of us because that’s what gogo asked me to do. Look out for you and I will. Don’t push my wife away or the other women because you are now part of our family and we look out for our own. Uyeswa Sisi? ”
“ Ngiyakuzwa bhuti Mbuso. Ngiyaxolisa kakhulu. ”
“ it’s okay sis. Sometimes we can’t help how we feel when it comes to people we love.” My husband says. I smile.
“ It was luh who asked me to be open and talk to you. She explained that you might be scared and feeling overwhelmed about everything and so she suggested that I ask one of skhumbuzo's wives to talk to you and help you understand what it like to be married in Royal and to be in a polygamous relationship. ”
“ thank you sis luh. That helped me a lot.”  I smile.
“ I’m happy that there won’t be any tension between us cause I really like you sbani. ” she smiles. She then touches my stomach out of the blue and looks at me and smiles.
“ All of you are pregnant. Wow luh! ” she smiles. After feeling my stomach.
“ You guys are pregnant? ” sbu asks excited.
“ She told me when we were in Paris. Do you know what are we expecting?. ”
“ I do know. I’m so happy for the both of you. Your mother luh and both your mother’s and sister Angela are happy for you. They send their congratulations. ” my eyes get misty. She hugs me.
“ are they okay? Both his moms and sister? ”
“ They made peace and they are together. They are with all of you.” Thank you God.
“ She wants to thank you for making sure she has a beautiful send of and for making a way for her to be with her ancestors. You’re blessed luh.”
“ Thank you. ” my husband wipes my tears.
“ you have already chosen a name. ” she says and I nod wiping my tears.
“ How did you know? ”
“ they just told me and they are very happy with it.” Oh my God.
“ what name did you choose love? ” I cry on his chest. He soothes my bag until I calm down.
“ I’m not crying cause I’m sad. I’m happy baby… . ” I smile through my tears. “ I thought that if we are pregnant with a girl I’m going to name her after Angela and… . ” I sniff  “ now I’m a crying mess because I know we are going to have a baby girl. ” he plants kisses all over my face and I laugh.
“ Congratulations guys. Now I feel like I’m being left behind. ” we laugh.
“ If you play your cards right you just might be lucky ”
“ Thank God ” sbu says and steals a kiss from her and she blushes. She’s beautiful.
“ I think this calls for a celebration.” He calls a waiter and they order champagne alcoholic and non alcoholic. They bring it and they pop it. We laugh.
“ we are going to toast for you two.” My husband says. “ may you love each other unconditionally through everything that life throws your way. Whatever happens please know that our home will always be open to you both. I hope sbani makes you as happy like how my wife makes me happy and even more. To you guys. ” we click our glasses and drink.
I still can’t believe that sbani said  carrying a baby girl and Angela and everyone is happy that I want to give our child her name. I feel so blessed right now and very happy. I  can’t wait to give all my sister, my sisterly diamond necklaces on the twins birthday party and I hope they are going to love them. I also asked someone to help me with something special for my husband, his brothers and all the kids. They are going to be so happy.

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