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My life is so fucked up right now, everything is just a mess. I haven't been attending my classes for a while now because of all the things I've heard about my parents. The people I love with all their flaws and everything in me even though they treated lungi bad but as for me and buhle it wasn't bad, I don't want to lie. I used to think the reason they treated luh bad was because our mom had an affair with uncle victor but  I found out it wasn't that. They did unspeakable, disgusting things that make me sick to my stomach and as much as I believe luh and what mbuso said, I still want to hear their side of the story.

I fish for my drugs in my pants, find them, empty them on the living room table and make a line using my card and take a note and sniff them in my nose. I love this feeling of getting high and always feeling high. I don't have to use my mind and think of many things. I take my whiskey and pour myself a drink, open my phone and look at my photos with luh and I smile. She's beautiful, she has always been beautiful and now that we're not related will I still look at her as my sister luh or just lungi?, hmmmmm " I smile to myself

I invite my friends over in the house to chill and it ends up being a party because many people show up. We buy more alcohol, food and more drugs and we party the whole night high and drunk. This is the life to be living, not this fucked up life of discovering your parents are a bunch of thiefs and murderes, scammers liers and who knows what else. Are we even their kids or they also stole us from our real families?, they messed up my life and it led me to use drugs more.

I am or was an occasional  user and I'll only use when I'm studying for exams to concerntrate because studying civil engineering is hard, It needs you to be at your best always and now ever since I found out what my parents did, I started to use them everyday and now I can't go without using it more than once. I'm not an addict, I'm controlling the drug, the drug is not controlling me.

I wake up in the morning and the whole place is trashed and stinks of weed and there are people who are still sleeping. I wake all of them up, tell them to go then after I sniff one line and go shower quickly, get done and clean the house, make breakfast and then call my mom's number for the hundreth and hope that she will answer her phone this time and it keeps ringing until I'm about to hang up then she answers it.

Her:" hello? "

Me:" mama...."

Her:" who are you? " huh?

Me:" what do you mean who am I and why are you answering the phone like you didn't recognise my number or voice? "

Her:" oh it's you my boy, boy boy " she sounds like she's scared and can't talk.

Me:" mom what's going on and why are you not at home because there's no one here? "

Her:" when did you arrive in standerton? "

Me:" yesterday and I slept really worried and you were'nt answering your phones.  What is going on ? "

Her:" we are on a vacation boy boy and we'll be back soon " I have out grown that name but she still uses it

Me:" mom don't lie to me, Lungi told me everything "

Her:" that bitch!, she's the one responisble for all of this!. Don't believe anything she says, you hear me boy boy? "

Me:" I want to hear your side of the story too mom, so I can understand why she's lying "

Her:" I can't tell you where I am because your dad will be furious "

Me:" mom I want to help you and dad anyway I'll be able to. Please tell me where you are and I'll get in the car and come to you guys "

Her:" I see what you're doing, you want to tell lungi and that stupid family of hers where we are ? "

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