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I had always dreamt of this moment to be find my father and twin brother but it feels surreal like I am dreaming. They are a close knit family and they trust each other with their lives. I have never seen something like this in my life. Even thought I grew up with my uncle and his family, we never had this kind of closeness, this love and trust in the family. Everyone just live their lives they way they wish without the others knowing what's really going on in your life.

I have been watching and studying all of them and they are all in sync despite all the problems that we are having. I keep waiting to find if they are somehow jealous of each other in anyway but there isn't jealousy amongst them and that makes me fell jealous because I am the odd mad out. I don't have that bond with them and have their trust. These are my brothers and I’m supposed to have that brotherly bond with them but I don't. I will though. I will be part of them and they will trust me.

Zipho is drinking coffee and I am drinking whiskey we are both lost in our own thoughts. He's been quiet ever since we saw our dad and his mom who looked like a mess. I wish I felt sorry for her but I'm not. I hate that woman and the conversation gogo wants us to have is never going to happen. I know I said I forgive her but deep down I don't. I want her to feel the pain my mother felt all those years ago and even worse. She was playing happy family with my family that she stole from us and now she says she's sorry and that gogo tells everyone to just forgive her?. Well not on my watch.

" I'm going to bed. Night bro." we fist bump then he leaves me. My mom comes in after a few minutes and pours herself a glass too then gulps it down and sits after she another one.

" Where's your father?."

" He's with her." she scoffs and shakes her head.

" Why won't she leave him alone?. I am here now aren't I?."

" She just wants his attention and for everyone to feel sorry for her."

" selfish bitch. I just don't understand why isn't she giving us some space to figure things out."

" You've been sleeping with him mother since you got here. Despite what she did, dad still loves her."

" Don't say that!." she looks around to see if anyone doesn't hear us." Don't tell me that crap. She tried to kill us, stole my child and husband!. All of this was supposed to be mine. This was supposed to be my family but  that bitch is enjoying everything. She will pay!."

" calm down. You don't want anyone to hear you."

" I want her to feel the pain I felt. I am going to take everything away from her and that is my husband and family."

" you said dad is going to pay lobola for the two of you right and you'll be his second wife and sebe told you that she won't stand in your way. Shouldn't that be enough?."

" hell no!. She has to be out of the picture permanently. I will not share my husband with her. Ever!."

" I know you want revenge, so do I but getting her out of the picture permanently will raise suspicion and the fingers will point back to you."

" Not if we frame someone who wants her out of the picture like us."

" uncle fanele mother! hell no. He will tell everyone about our plan."

" Not him busani but her boys. One of them." she has lost her damn mind!.

" Fuck No!. You will not frame my brothers mother!. You better get that though out of your mind."

" You have just known them for five minutes. You don't owe them anything. I am your mother and we are both victims here. Did you not promise me that we get revenge?."