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I make my way downstairs and I am so tired. I don’t even feel like cooking anymore but I promised mbuyiselo that I will and so I have to. There's that girl obsessed with my husband in the longue and she’s drinking wine or something. She gives me one nasty look and I ignore her. I don’t have time for that shit. I get in the kitchen and nandi is drinking her tea. I give her a polite smile and she gives me a fake one. great she was pretending to be sorry.

" can you show me where everything is in your kitchen? " I smile.

" this is not my kitchen. "

" I know and I was just being polite. You see nandi until there’s a lady of this house this kitchen belongs to you cause your the one who cooks and prepares every meal your master eats. " she looks down.  " I'm sorry if I said that wrong but he is your master right? "

" yes. "

" and me being his guest, I'm asking you politely to show me everything that’s in here?."

" that’s ok sis lungi. I’ll show you. " lumka says. I smile at her.

" so what does your uncle like to eat? " I ask her since nandi wont help me.

" he eats anything and everything as long as you wont feed him. Pap and amasi or milk and no salad for him at all. " we giggle.

" and you, what do you like? " she blushes and a thought just crosses my mind. thami would have liked her I think.

" uhm can, you like cook us you know seven colours?, I haven’t had in forever. " She’s sweet.

" then you'll help me peel the vegetables. "

" my pleasure. " she takes me to the pantry and we take out all the fresh vegetables and bring them to the kitchen island. I decide to cook mutton stew and also grilled chicken on the side so anyone can choose what they prefer to eat.

" make sure when you're done you leave the kitchen squeaky clean. "

" yes ma'am " lumka bursts out laughing. " are you sure you don’t want to join us? "

" no thank you. " she says sneering. why am I the bad guy here?.

" don’t miss us too much. " lumka says. nandi looks like she wants to throttle her. She gets up and leaves us.

I marinate the chicken while lumka chops the vegetables. after I'm done with marinating the chicken I put it in the fridge so the marinate can set in the meat then I focus on the mutton stew. Lumka tells me about her life in Ermelo and how she wishes she can live here but her uncle wont hear none of that. I tell her about my life in Standerton and I  realise that I m okay now with thami's passing. I have made peace with it.

" the house smells wonderful sis lungi. " It really does.

" well you did all the hard work. Thank you lumka. " she smiles.

The food is about to be done and mbuso is still not back. Percy is outside glued to his phone and it must be a girl who has that much attention from him.

" can you help me set the table please. "

" When I’m here I  never do anything in this house. I just get up, shower then eat and that's pretty much it." she rolls her eyes.

" you should ask him for a job, so you wont be bored."

" yeah, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. thanks sis luh."

We go the dining room and start setting the table.

" isn't this just nice. The two of you meet for the first time and already you're best friends. " she claps her hands.

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