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" I have to call everyone and let them know what has happened. " zipho is even struggling to talk.

" I called.....them scelo, sims and your brother will land on the roof top of the hospital. They will soon be here. I'm sure they already told your parents and luh's family. " sbu is still sitting down, lumka is rubbing my back sitting next to me and zipho. Mbuyiselo is pacing up and down. At least he doesn't have to worry cause his brother is fine.

" Mbuyiselo have you called your family and let them know? "

" Oh God thank you luh I have forgotten. Let me call them. " I want my dad, I want my brother, I wish sims and my aunt were here but I really want my husband right now. I want him to hold me and tell me that everything is going to be okay. He will fix it like he always does.

We wait for what feels like hours and hours, I have no idea what time it is cause my mind is not here. I am thinking about my kids. The doctor comes out and we all stand up. Zipho takes my hand and we thread our hands together. This is not just holding hands. This is I am here for you and we as family will face this together.  Please God let it be good news. I beg you. She stands just a few feet away from me. Sbu stands on my other side and I am thankful for all of them.

" Mrs Gumede. I don't know how to tell you this but your husband lost consciousness during surgery and we had to resuscitate him three times..." a sob escapes me. How could mbuso think of leaving me on this earth?. How the  hell does he think I am going to be able to live my life without him?. "…we were able to do that and finished surgery. We also had to operate his spinal cord because two of his vertebra bones had shifted from the spinal column...." tears continue to stream down my face. This doctor is actually telling me that it's a possibility that my husband might be paralysed.

"… we will see when he wakes up if there's any damage but on our side we did our best to save his life and we will continue to do that. It's all up to him now."

" Can I see him? "

" He has been moved to I.C.U and the next 48 hours are crucial. Mrs gumede physically he doesn't look good. I will give you only a few minutes with him." I nod. I look at zipho and he nods.

" You can do this. " He says. I follow the doctor and they take me to some room and they make me wear scrubs, cover my head and hands. She leads me to his and opens the door.

" I will lightly tap on the door when it's time. "

" thank you doc." She closes the door and I just stand there and watch my husband laying down.

My legs, my body, everything in me feels heavy as I take each step towards him until I stop on his bed. His head is swollen, his face is badly bruised and I can't see his eyes. His beard has been shaved cause there's a bandage that goes under his chin to his head. I don't want to believe this is my husband but I know it's really him. I take his huge hand it's so cold. It doesn't have his warmth the one he always does when he touches me. I bend over and kiss his cold lips.

" I need you to fight and come back to us. I need you, your kids need you and the whole family needs you mbuso. I can't do this life thing alone without you, so please my husband fight and make sure you win whatever war you're facing where you are right now!. Don't let this dark cloud or whatever darkness that was or is following you take away from us. I know you will fight tooth and nail to come back cause your stubborn and you’ll drive them crazy until they send you back to me and you better start now my husband cause I am a mess! . I love you Phakathwayo please come back to me. " the doctor taps on the door and I know my time is up.

" I will be right here waiting for you to wake up. I love you myeniwami. " I kiss him again. I look at his hand and notice that his ring is not on his finger. I leave closing the door behind me.

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