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I hope the whole family is ready to hear me out and what I have to say even though I know very well that what I’m going to say is going to hurt mbuso's mom and his brother. They have to understand though that I’m doing this because I want my husband home.

“ Mrs Gumede?.” It’s mbuso’s doctor.

“ Doc how’s my husband?.”

“ His brain has been active since the early hours of the morning and I am very impressed. His brain swelling is going down and that is the most important thing. If he continues like this it might be possible that tomorrow he might be able to breath on his own. Your husband is fighting Mrs gumede. ”

“ I am so happy to hear that doc. Are not still able to tell if he is paralyzed or not?.”

“ I did move my pen under his feet and I saw his toes moving a little and that’s very good. I don’t you to get your hopes up though until we are absolutely sure but this is good for us.” Thank God. At least one good thing is happening.

“ Thank you doc.” she smiles. Time to talk to my family.

They are sitting in groups like they are dividing themselves and I hate that. I don’t like it at all because during this difficult time we should all be as one.

I look around and I don’t see bonga’s mom.

“ Bonga?.” They stop talking.

“ Where’s uMah?.”

“ She’s not welcomed here. She doesn’t deserve to be here.” Their uncle says.

“ She needs to be here malume. What I have to say involves her too?.”

“ we don’t need her here. You can say whatever you want to say to all of us here and then we’ll tell her.”

“ I’m sorry malume but she has to be here. ”

“ Makoti this thing is bigger than you. Don’t force us to accept her as part of this family!.”

“ Baba with all due respect I don’t mean to disrespect you in any way and I don’t want to involve myself in your business. I didn’t choose to out put in this position because it is too much for me and I hate it. They came to me, I didn’t come to them so please. I need uMah here. She’s part of this family whether we like it or not.”

“ luh what’s really going on?.” Bonga asks. I cover my face with my hands and take a deep breath.  

“ please go get her?.”

“ she’s in the conference room. I’ll go get her.”  He leaves and I sit down. Why me?. Why did they choose me and not anyone else?.

“ Mrs gumede?.” It’s another woman, nurse kunene and the security guard.

“ Can I help you?.”

“ I am the hospital's CEO Dr Khomo.” She shakes my hand. “ something has been brought to my attention here by Mr masombuka.”

“ it’s okay doctor. It happened and I would like to forget about it.”  I really don’t want anyone to know.

“ what happened.” Scelo asks.

“ Miss kunene here accused  Mrs gumede of stealing from the hospital.” Dr Khomo explains.

“ what?. ” they ask shocked.

“ she mad a mistake doctor it’s fine.”

“ Mrs gumede in saw the footage and it was totally unacceptable. She’s here to apologize to you and we want you to know that further steps will  be taken against her.” Honestly I don’t care. They shouldn’t have dragged this poor man here.