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"Suran-sshi, you're in big problem and you need to cooperate so we can figure a way out of it" Suran's lawyer said.

"I need to get out of here as soon as possible" Suran said "I can't let them live happily while I'm in jail"

"That's why you need to tell me everything" the lawyer smirked.

Suran told her lawyer everything that happened with Chaeyoung and Suga and she told him about her addiction. The lawyer was sly enough to let Suran walk innocently out of jail. In only three days, he found a legal loophole and got Suran released.

"I hope you forget we worked together Suran-sshi" the lawyer said "the money you offered was the only thing that made me accept your case so please don't call me again"

"Don't worry, I don't think I'll need a lawyer again" Suran smiled evilly.

The lawyer left but Suran waited for her ride to come. In a matter of minutes, a car parked and a man in black came out and walked to Suran.

"Let's go, there's a lot to talk about" the man said.
Suran hopped inside the car and looked at him carefully.

"What do you have?" Suran asked.

"Chaeyoung is pregnant and her husband seems to be more than ready to be a father"

"Stop it" Suran said coldly.

"Stop what?" The man looked at her in confusion.

"The pregnancy" Suran ordered "it's easy to make a pregnant woman miscarry, right?"

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