W-H-A-T ?

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Bang Shihyuk expressed disappointment at how Park Jinyoung only cares about TWICE's future neglecting how talented Chaeyoung is. Jinyoung was as well surprised to hear that his friend thinks negatively of him and what made him surprised the most were the words "No weight".

"What do you mean she has no weight?" Jinyoung asked "You really think I'm neglecting her?"

"You've just said you want to keep her for TWICE's sake. You think Chaeyoung would be happy to hear that?" Shihyuk said making Jinyoung bite his lip.

"She wouldn't" Someone interrupted their conversation.

Jinyoung and Shihyuk felt startled being interrupted in the middle of a very serious conversation. They turned around simultaneously to find Yugyeom standing right behind them.

"Yah! Yugyeom-ah! you scared me" Jinyoung argued.

"I'm the one who's supposed to be scared actually" Yugyeom's face darkened "Were you just talking that way about Chaeyoung?"

"Yugyeom-ah! You shouldn't be here" Jinyoung said.

"Why? Because I'm not supposed to hear how you secretly and truly think of us?" Yugyeom frowned.

"US? This has nothing to do with you Yugyeom-ah" Jinyoung stood up feeling irritated.

"It's Chaeyoung today, it could be me tomorrow" Yugyeom faced his boss.

"I should probably get going" Bang Shihyuk slightly bowed making his leave.

"Yugyeom-ah! You caused a fuss and I don't really appreciate this" Jinyoung gritted his teeth.

"You're thinking low of your artists PD-nim and this is even less appreciated" Yugyeom said.

"I'm not thinking low of anyone. Chaeyoung is needed in her group, the group needs a rapper and she's the rapper"

"For the love of God" Yugyeom chuckled angrily "was she being a rapper? People almost forgot she's a TWICE member"

"Yugyeom-ah! You're being ridiculous" Jinyoung said "Just because you share that little secret with her doesn't make you her spokesperson" Jinyoung whispered in a threatening voice.


Chaeyoung and Rosé arrived safely to Switzerland and they were both full of energy. Chaeyoung promised Yoongi to come back in a different mood and she wants to keep that promise. She tried her best to forget about everything that had happened to her lately. She just wanted to have fun with her best friend and leave everything behind.
Chaeyoung was settling in her hotel room when her phone suddenly started ringing.

"Yugyeom-ah" Chaeyoung answered cheerfully.

"Where are you?" Yugyeom said "can we meet?"

"Actually, I'm in Switzerland" Chaeyoung said "what's wrong? Did anything happen?"

"No nothing, it's just because I haven't seen you in a while"

"I'll make sure to meet you as soon as I come back" Chaeyoung said.

"How is it going with your boyfriend?" Yugyeom asked in a low voice.

"I can tell that you still don't like the idea of me dating him"

"Of course I don't" Yugyeom paused "even though I'm close to him, I still can't accept the idea of you being with him"

"Yugyeom-ah" Chaeyoung hesitated "I'm really doing my best to make my life work and that boyfriend of mine is really helping me"

"Okay okay I get it" Yugyeom changed the topic "are you with him now?"

"No I'm with Rosé ... We're going to stay here for two weeks"

"Okay, have fun and call me as soon as you come back" Yugyeom said.

"Will do" Chaeyoung smiled.

"I have to hang up" Yugyeom said in a soft voice "love you"

"Love you too"

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