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Chaeyoung followed Jungkook inside the dorm where she saw the members gathered in the living room. She  immediately bowed to them and they bowed back and asked her to have a seat. However, not everything about their conversation was a sweet talk. Namjoon suddenly showed a concern and it made Chaeyoung a bit intense. He talked about how upset Yoongi is but Chaeyoung didn't expect it.

"what made him upset?" Chaeyoung asked "You guys can't keep saying words like this, just tell me what's going on"

"As far as he's concerned you're supposed to be back from your trip after three days from now but you came back without a notice and---" Jungkook hesitated.

"And?" Chaeyoung said.

"And pictures of you with Yugyeom at the airport are all over the internet, so Yoongi hyung is quite confused" Jungkook explained.

Mentioning Yugyeom's name made Chaeyoung very messed up. She didn't know how to react nor how to explain. She simply grabbed her bag and headed towards the door to be stopped by Jungkook who grabbed her arm.

"Chaeyoung-ah! I think Yoongi hyung will be more confused if you leave without a word" Jungkook said.

Chaeyoung was ready for anything but talking about her relationship with Yugyeom. She furiously walked closer to the boys and gritted her teeth. " I think Yoongi won't be more confused if you guys don't speak about me coming here in first place.

"You're acting suspicious Chaeyoung-sshi" Jimin stood up.

"Oh wow!" Chaeyoung walked angrily towards him "are you asking me to explain myself right now?" She took a deep breath "Look! I can do absolutely anything but talk about my personal life"

"What does Yugyeom have to do with your personal life?" Jimin dared Chaeyoung.

"I'm out of here" Chaeyoung ignored Jimin's question showing unwillingness to give an answer then she turned around to storm out of the house but she bumped into a very familiar figure. Her hair fell all over her face so she moved it away to find Yoongi standing boldly right in front of her.

"Yoongi-ah!" Chaeyoung sighed.

"You didn't answer his question" Yoongi said coldly "What does Yugyeom have to do with your personal life?"

"Didn't you hear my response?" Chaeyoung said furiously.

"Not as far as my ear can hear" he said heartlessly.

"I said I'm out of here" Chaeyoung stormed out of the dorm leaving the members in complete shock.
Jimin who asked the question regretted it. Namjoon who started the conversation almost ate his fingers for doing it and Jungkook, who's taking Chaeyoung's side, placed both his hands on his head and kept walking back and forth in the room.

"Hyung, she left" Jungkook said to Yoongi.

"I noticed" Yoongi said coldly.

"Seriously? aren't you going to talk to her?" 

"She's been asked twice but she didn't answer. Do you want me to beg her?" Yoongi yelled at him.

"I can't believe you're saying this. This is between you and her, we were so wrong to intervene" Jungkook argued.

"Look hyung, Jungkook is right, maybe you should talk to her" Jimin said.

"Jungkook-ah! You don't even know her, why are you taking her side?" Yoongi asked.

"Because she was all over the place when Yugyeom was mentioned. It's as if there's something very important"

"You know me well. I don't believe in this drama. I don't even believe in relationships in first place but I went too far and dated her. What did I get in return?" Yoongi stood up to leave "An airport pick-up" Yoongi said referring to Yugyeom then left to his room.

Yugyeom walked reluctantly towards his sick father in the hospital then sat next to him.

"I don't see Chaeyoung" Mr. Seungwon, Yugyeom's father, asked in a weak voice.

"She went home" Yugyeom muttered "she's coming later"

"She's not angry?" He asked.

"I don't think she is" Yugyeom said "usually she'd yell but this time she didn't"

"Are you sure she'll come?" Mr. Seungwon asked again.

"She said she'll meet her boyfriend then she'll come" Yugyeom said.

"Great. I still can't have room for that boy"

"Me neither" Yugyeom frowned "I mean she's a bit obsessed with him"

"Aren't you being jealous right now?" Mr. Seung won teased.

"Jealous? Jealous of what? He's my friend. It just doesn't make sense to me that's all" Yugyeom said then walked to the door when he suddenly heard some noise "what's going on?" Yugyeom opened the door to see where the noise is coming from but almost died when he saw it "Chaeyoung-aaaaaaaahhh"

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