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Chaeyoung closed her eyes as she laid powerlessly on the bed. She sighed sorrowfully feeling pain in every inch of her body. Tears unwillingly fell down her cheeks as she thought of the consequences of not telling Yoongi the truth. She pressed her lips then opened her eyes and tilted her head towards Yoongi who's sitting next to the bed.

"Yugyeom is here to see his father" Chaeyoung broke the silence "he's staying here at the hospital"

"And did Yugyeom go the airport to see father too" Yoongi asked ironically "stop the mockery Chaeyoung-ah"

"This is the truth I swear" Chaeyoung cried softly.

"I sense lies" Yoongi said coldly.

"I really wish you could believe me" she bit her lower lip.

"Believe what?" Yoongi said coldly "you didn't say anything. You just kept begging me to believe you"

"Why are you here then?" Chaeyoung asked feeling hurt by his cold words.

"I don't know. Can YOU tell Chaeyoung-ah" he said "why am I here? You made a mockery out of me so why am I here?"

"I'll tell you everything I promise just not now" Chaeyoung sniffed "can you wait?"

"When? When the world is flipped over our heads?" he flinched "I bet you don't understand what you've done. You made me look like a total loser. The whole nation has seen it Chaeyoung-ah. Just tell me one thing that makes me want to wait?" He asked.

"Us" Chaeyoung dropped some tears "Can you wait for us. Just please don't make things hard for me"

"Us huh?" He chuckled ironically "who are we Chaeyoung-ah. Can you tell me? Because I really don't know. I really forgot how we used to be"

Chaeyoung gave up. She felt hopeless and hurt by Yoongi's cold words. She just wanted to keep him. She gave up talking and tried to get out of the bed to go to him.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asked her but she ignored his question and still tried to walk "The doctor said you shouldn't leave bed. Stop messing around" he warned.

"Will the doctor bring you back to me when you leave me!" Chaeyoung yelled loudly at him "why are you doing this?" She lost control of her body and fell on the floor. She wanted to keep her boyfriend as much as she wanted to keep her secret. At that moment, she saw a dark cloud covering her relationship with Yoongi. She wanted to do something but she couldn't think of anything so she just fell to the ground and kept sobbing hopelessly. She wished to close her eyes then open them to find that everything is back to normal but life is too cruel to let such a thing happen easily. Chaeyoung suddenly stopped crying as soon as she felt a gentle warm touch around her arms. She lifted her head to look at Yoongi but felt how much pain he's feeling.

"I wish I never accepted to date you" Chaeyoung hit herself.

"Stop Chaeyoung-ah, just stop" Yoongi said as he helped her settle in the bed.

"I hate myself for making you go through this" Chaeyoung sniffed "you probably hate me the most. No, you hate for sure"

"How am I supposed to hate you huh?" Yoongi chuckled humourlessly as he laid forward to look at her "you've done the worst things a person could ever do, still look at me waiting here when I don't have to"
Chaeyoung painfully bit her lower lip as she shed more tears. She couldn't say a word but she decided that it's time to reveal the truth.

"He's my step brother" she said in a very low voice.

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