Settlement III

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Chaeyoung left the shower and started getting ready for her dinner date with Yoongi. She called him asking to meet because there was something making her worried and she wanted him to help her. Even though they met in the morning but Chaeyoung couldn't talk about it.

"Chaeyoung-ah" Mina interrupted Chaeyoung's thoughts.

"Uh? What is it?" Chaeyoung blinked.

"Jihyo came to see you" Mina said.

"Jihyo?" Chaeyoung wondered "Jihyo came here?"

"Yes, she said she's waiting at the hotel entrance"

"Okay, I'm heading out anyway, I'll see her" Chaeyoung said as she grabbed her bag and left.

She walked slowly trying to keep a confident face. She already had too many things to worry about but Jihyo was something she never wanted to deal with. As she reached the hotel's entrance, Chaeyoung tilted her head trying to find Suga. She saw him standing while talking to someone else. Of course it was Jihyo. They randomly met but Jihyo kept begging to give her some time to apologise to Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung intervened to make end to the unwanted conversation. Chaeyoung told Jihyo that she has to express her apologies when all the girls are gathered.
Chaeyoung left Jihyo behind and went with Yoongi to where they're supposed to have dinner. She told him about her contract expiration and she seems very concerned about it.

"There's a possibility that you won't renew?" Suga asked.

"No, There's a possibility that I would renew" Chaeyoung said.

"Even though I know why but why?" Suga asked again.

"What do you know?"

"I know that there's Chaeyoung somewhere out there keeping silence over her wasted talent" Suga said.

"I'm actually very sick of being the back up dancer" Chaeyoung dropped a tear "you know what I'm jealous of the most? The fact that I see other people who are less talented than I am but they are shining"

"Chaeyoung-ah!" Suga moved closer to her "it's a dream to be a singer right?"


"But look at that, it's making you crying now" Suga said "maybe you expected something else when you debuted but right now you're not being who you are"

"What am I supposed to do?"

"I can't influence you" Suga said "and I'm not telling you to leave your agency but you're not someone to be put in a group Chaeyoung-ah. You need to have a whole stage for yourself"


"Yes, solo" Suga smiled "just you"

Jeongyeon walked back and forth in the room as she kept thinking about Jihyo's sudden arrival.

"Does PD-nim know about this?" Jeongyeon asked.

"I guess so" Mina said "I don't think I they'd let her come without PD-nim's approval"

"What makes me worried is that he was the one who deprived her from coming a day ago, why would he suddenly change his mind?"

"We're about to know" Tzuyu went to open the door after hearing the knocking "I think she's here"

"Come in Jihyo-yah" Nayeon asked her to have a seat.

"So?" Jeongyeon started the conversation "why did you come?"

"I know you all hate me for doing what I did but I came here to apologise" Jihyo said.

"Do you think you did wrong unnie?" Chaeyoung asked "or you're just apologising because you know it may ruin your career"

"All I know is that I have my reasons" Jihyo said.

"That's exactly why I told to speak to all the girls" Chaeyoung stood up "you need to put the dots on the i so no one holds a grudge against you"

"I've always thought that I should be the best. I worked so hard to be able to debut but it didn't work. But when you all came to the training centre I thought that I can be better and surpass everyone" Jihyo then lowered her head "but then Chaeyoung came and she got all the praise. It pissed me off and I wanted to beat her but everything kept going wrong even in Sixteen. She was always Major but I was put in Minor. Even when I won over her in the 1 vs 1 mission, PD-nim still voted for her"

"We're supposed to be a team Jihyo-yah" Nayeon said "we're not supposed to beat each other. We're supposed to help each other"

"I know but I wanted to stand out the most---" Jihyo said before being interrupted.

"And what's the other reasons?" Chaeyoung interrupted her.

"It's personal" Jihyo refused to answer.

"What's personal about breaking me up with my boyfriend?"

"She likes it when she sees these photos in social media"

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