Hidden Cards

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Mr. Seungwon left his car and headed to the post office. He wasn't sending nor receiving letters but he went to see a special someone. He slowly approached the doorman and asked him for help.

"Where can I find Mrs. Somin?" Mr. Seungwon asked.

"She's in office five" the doorman pointed.

Mr. Seungwon confidently walked to the office and knocked with a smile as he peeked from behind the door.

"Somin-ah!" he called.

Somin, or Park Somin, Yugyeom's mother, the one that Mr. Seungwon cheated on with Suran. Mrs. Somin's face slowly fell then she stood up and hit the desk with both her hands.

"What are you doing here?" She gritted her teeth "What do you want from me?"

"Easy! Somin-ah!" Mr. Seungwon coolly said as he had a seat facing her "Can I not see my wife?"

"Your wife?" Mrs. Somin chuckled humourlessly "Which wife? The one you cheated on, you piece of shit?"

"Look, Somin-ah! I came here to solve this, so please help me!"

"I have nothing to solve with you and this is my workplace so get lost" She whisper-shouted so she doesn't grab anyone's attention.

"So I can see you after work, right?" he asked as he stood up to leave " Ah! Somin-ah! You're still my wife by the way. Our divorce hasn't been finalised yet"

Chaeyoung pressed the code to Yugyeom's apartment and allowed herself in. She went to his bedroom to find him deeply sleeping. She got annoyed and pulled the pillow from under his head making him jump stood from terror.

"Yah! Chaeyoung-ah! For god's sake, is this how you wake people" Yugyeom argued "I almost had a heart attack"

"God bless,n" Chaeyoung scoffed as she rolled her eyes "Wash up and join me, we need to talk"

Yugyeom smiled at her attitude then went to the bathroom to wash up then joined her in the living room. 

"Coffee?" He asked as he stood behind the kitchen counter.

"Seriously? Coffee at 1 pm!" Chaeyoung gave him a weird look.

"I'll take that as a no" he smiled " Chaeyoung-ah! You should stop coming here. Your boyfriend, I mean your husband will get mad again. Remember I'm not your brother-in-law anymore"

"I think you'll forever be my brother-in-law" Chaeyoung sighed.

"Are you hinting at anything?" he asked.

"Indeed!" Chaeyoung nodded "Suran took advantage of my absence and went to our house to beg Yoongi"

"She's still at that?" Yugyeom said "I've always thought that dating an older man was never an innocent act"

"Anyway my father knew, I don't know how but he knew and he reported her to the police" 

"Reported her?" Yugyeom laughed loudly "reported her for what? For cheating? That's not considered a crime"

"Apparently she consumes drugs so he used that as an excuse to get her busted"Chaeyoung said "But this isn't the problem Yugyeom-ah!" she paused for a moment " only me and Yoongi know about her arrival to our house and we agreed to not let anyone know. I'm wondering how did my father know"

"Maybe Yoongi wasn't very quiet about it or maybe she told him herself" Yugyeom hypothesized.

"Yoongi would never do that and she wouldn't do that to herself either" Chaeyoung said "I'm just thinking that there's something else going on and we're not paying attention to it"

"Something like what?" Yugyeom asked.

"I don't know it's just a feeling" Chaeyoung suddenly remembered "Ah! and dad is trying to get back to your mother"

"Are you serious?" Yugyeom was thunderstruck.

"Why are you surprised? That man lives only to be indecent" Chaeyoung felt disgusted.

"That's a relief!" Yugyeom heaved a little sigh.

"Relief!" Chaeyoung shouted "Are you drunk? I'm telling you that he's getting back to the woman he cheated on and you're saying that it's a relief"

"He made a mistake Chaeyoung-ah and he wants to make it right" Yugyeom looked away.

"hahaha!" Chaeyoung laughed humourlessly as he slapped herself " I think I'm seeing things! Or maybe you're not in your right mindset. Yah! Yugyeom-ah! Are you listening to yourself" Chaeyoung walked to him "He's making fun of ------" 

"Stop it Chaeyoung-ah!" Yugyeom yelled angrily at her "Don't talk bad about him when you know nothing"

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