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After Twice's concert wrapped up, Chaeyoung and the girls agreed to meet for dinner. As she entered the restaurant and took a seat, the girls started giving her weird stares.

"What? What are you looking at?" Chaeyoung got confused.

"No, nothing" Nayeon looked away.

"Oh come on guys, there has to be something" Chaeyoung flinched "look at you all looking at me as if hiding a destructive plan"

"Actually we are" Jeongyeon initiated.

"Okay, hit me" Chaeyoung put down her fork.

"Look, no one could take this" Jeongyeon said "I mean your departure. We can't handle your absence and neither can you so we were saying that maybe .. possibly" Jeongyeon kept muttering.

"Unnie what is it?" Chaeyoung flinched.

"We thought about asking you to stay with us while you continue your activities in your agency" Jeongyeon said.

"I thought about it but it's not possible" Chaeyoung said.

"Because of PD-nim?" Sana asked.

"That man is only one bit of the whole problem" Chaeyoung said "I'm not saying that I'm happy with what PD-nim has done for me but I have other reasons"

"Chaeyoung-ah, we're your closest friends, you can tell us" Sana said.

"Girls don't get me wrong but I don't want to live in your shadow anymore. You can't handle my departure because we're friends and we're close but as artists I add nothing to the group and as you can see, you performed today and nothing was missing"

"A lot was missing Chaeyoung-ah" Mina said "just give it a thought you can be with us and at the same time you can freely do whatever you want"

"Girls I don't want to ruin this dinner but I can't and you don't even understand how I feel" Chaeyoung tried to change the topic.

"How do you feel?" Mina asked.

"Look I've just tasted freedom and I don't want to go back to slavery" Chaeyoung said "I'm preparing my solo debut with a song I like and a style I like and I composed it especially for myself. I don't have to write tons of songs then watch you perform them and get all the credit while I sometimes don't get any lines" Chaeyoung felt that she over said "I'm not blaming you in anything but you know that jyp is the one who's done that to me"

The girls were all silent listening to Chaeyoung letting out her concern. It was harsh to say but it was true. Chaeyoung was wronged, she feels angry about it and now the girls feel responsible for it.

"I'm sorry for being rude but you wanted to know how I feel" Chaeyoung lowered her head a bit "twice is very busy and you know that. If I engage myself with you again, I won't find time to do what I want and I'll go back to being underrated and that'd be a vicious circle. You know how much I love you and want to stay with you but I was mistreated and I expect to understand"

"I'm sorry Chaeyoung-ah!" Jeongyeon said in a low voice "I never knew that it's that hard for you"

"Yes, you should be sorry because instead of supporting me you're asking me to come back and be your backup dancer again" Chaeyoung stood then quickly left.
She was extremely furious. She thought that this dinner would be a chance to meet her girls after all the drama they went through but the gathering made her feel worse.
Chaeyoung has just started her car and drove when she received a phone call from Suga.

"Where are you? It's late Chaeyoung-ah" Suga argued.

"I told you I'll meet the girls for dinner" Chaeyoung said in an annoyed time "anyway I'm on my way back"

"Okay I'm waiting"

Chaeyoung hang up and suddenly felt like a burden on Yoongi's shoulder. She always tells him about her problems and concerns and makes him stress along with her. She thought that it's high time she starts figuring things out herself without needing his help.
In a matter of twenty minutes, Chaeyoung arrived to Suga's apartment where he was waiting worryingly.

"Hey!" Chaeyoung greeted as she threw her bag on the couch and laid down lifelessly "when did you come?"

"When I called you" Suga looked at her carefully "what's going on? Did you fight with your father?"

"Nope, I did not" Chaeyoung avoided his concerned stares.

"Then what happened?" Suga asked again "you look off"

"Nothing happened, I'm just a bit tired that's all"

"Chaeyoung-ah?" Yoongi called but she didn't look at him. She only threw him with a cold yes "you're not looking at me"

"Yoongi-ah, nothing happened I'm just too tired to speak"

"Hm!" Yoongi hummed not believing her "okay you should go to sleep you're going to be busy tomorrow"

Chaeyoung immediately stood up and went to change before Yoongi says anything else but he followed her looking like he has something to say.

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