Stay By My Side

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Chaeyoung took out her phone and started writing an Instagram post. She uploaded her picture with Yugyeom at the airport with the following message:
"Hello, this is Son Chaeyoung
For those who misunderstood their positions as journalists and started a fire among my family and dear ones, I'd like to say two things: first of all y'all go lead a better life. Second, you all wasted your time because no matter how many pictures you take of me it won't work. Kim Yugyeom is my step brother. When I was a baby my parents got divorced and Yugyeom lost his father but destiny united my father with his mother so we are step siblings and expect to see us together more. For those who were worried about me, I sincerely apologise but I only wanted to keep my personal life for myself. Unfortunately because of some rude people, my family, friends and boyfriend are confused and I don't really appreciate it. But I'd like to thank everyone who supported me and I apologise again for confusing you"

Yoongi astonishingly read the post then lost control of his hand making his phone drop to the ground. Two minutes ago he only thought that cheated on him and she was trying to cover it by lying but now that he saw how she exposed her personal life just to save her boyfriend's face, Yoongi felt cherished.

"I can't believe you posted this Chaeyoung-ah"  Yoongi said "how could you expose your personal life?"

"I don't want anyone considering you a loser" Chaeyoung said "if I don't let it out people will think I'm cheating on you"

"You're such a pain in the butt, do you know that" Yoongi walked to her "why were you so secretive about it?"

"There's a lot more to know about this". Chaeyoung admitted "I just don't want to talk about it now"

"And when are you planning to tell me?" Yoongi asked "when we start killing each other!" Yoongi stopped for a moment "Chaeyoung-ah, why do you do this? Why do you make it hard for everyone?"

"It's even harder for me so stop" Chaeyoung yelled "just stop. I said I don't want to talk about it now. I just want to have some sleep" she said as she laid down and waved to Yoongi to come closer "stay by my side"

Yoongi looked at her in surrender then moved his chair closer to the bed.

"Happy now?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"Do you forgive me Yoongi-ah?" Chaeyoung asked "are you still mad at me?"

"Mad?" Yoongi chuckled "aigooo! Even your choice of words is irritating" he looked at her observantly "what have you done to me huh? What's the spell you used on me? Normally I'd leave you flopping in tears. Normally I'd never forgive you but look at me doing everything single thing you say"

"Have you fallen for me Suga-sshi?" Chaeyoung teased powerlessly.

"You little piece of work" Yoongi poked her forehead.

"I love you too"

Mina jumped stood when she read Chaeyoung's announcement. She immediately called Yugyeom who told her everything and she flew with Tzuyu to the hospital. They were both dead worried about Chaeyoung with whom they didn't have any words in weeks. As they both reached Chaeyoung's room, they walked in to find her sleeping deeply while Yoongi's caressing her hand.

"Sorry we barged in" Mina bowed to Yoongi.

"Yeah no problem" Yoongi moved away gently to give the girls space to see the sleeping Chaeyoung.

"Is she alright?" Mina asked.

"Why do I think that it's rude to hear you asking about her!" Yoongi flinched.

"I know right" Mina lowered her head "we were the ones who caused her discomfort"

"If only you gave her support, none of this would've happened" Yoongi said as he looked at Chaeyoung.

"We're really sorry, we just wanted her with us that's all" Tzuyu said.

"Tz ... Tzuyu-ah.... Mina" Chaeyoung's broken voice called for them.

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