And if it was work related like he had said, why would Ashton greet me at the door the way he did? How would any of that affect him?

I just have a strong feeling they're hiding something from me. That's why Harry can barely look me in the eyes. He doesn't want to lie to me, so whatever it is clearly involves me somehow.

If i'm right that is.

"Can I ask you something?" Ella interrupts my thoughts, staring at the two boys in disbelief as they now make a mess by knocking the magnets off of the refrigerator.

Laughing quietly at the sight, I turn back around and face her, humming out as I tilt my head to the side, waiting for her to carry on with whatever it is she wants to ask me.

Her eyes fall back down to her hands before she continues, "would you want to do something one day? Like maybe go to the nail salon or like- I don't know. I just never really got along with girls and thought maybe it could be fun" she rants nervously, tapping her hands against the table as she speaks.

My smile grows wide at her sweet suggestion, "I think that's a great idea, i'd love to" I exclaim, nodding my head as place my hand at the back of her head, and run my fingers down her hair.

I haven't known Ella long, but i've always wanted a little sister, and she honestly seems to be very similar as me. Especially with her sarcastic remarks.

When we both continue shaping our cookies, the boys finally calming down, Harry comes back inside, slamming the front door behind him.

The room gets quiet as his changed demeanor fills the room with tension, his face looking just as stressed as it did before, and I can't help but notice another tiny envelope that he's holding in his hand.

"What the hell happened to you? Bad report card?" Ella teases, tossing a red hot candy into her mouth while Caleb laughs quietly under his breath.

Turning back around to see everyone's faces, Ashton eyes glance down to Harry's hand, and his smile quickly fades away again.

Harry shakes his head, glaring at Ella playfully, as he throws all of the mail and speaker down onto the kitchen counter next to the microwave.

Swallowing down the harsh lump in my throat, Harry walks over to me, kisses the top of my head, and sits next to me on the long wooden seat that pulls out from underneath of the glass table.

"Are you okay?" I turn my head and mumble quietly so nobody can hear me, placing my hands over his arms that are wrapped around my waist.

He nods his head, "yeah of course" he mutters out quickly, pressing a short kiss to my cheek, "just work again, are you alright?" he whispers against my skin.

"I'm alright" I lie, knowing damn well i'm nothing but worried sick about him and his abnormal behavior.

Harry just nods again, rests his chin on my shoulder, and tilts his head against mine while his hands slightly rub against my belly.

Today's already felt like forever, so when I look over at the clock and see it's only five, I hold back my yawn and shake my head when I realize I still have to go into work later.

I'm supposed to close tonight.

Rita's been so sweet and understanding as far as my schedule goes. There's been a few times where i've been so exhausted she's even let me leave earlier than usual. But now that my hours are cut back and I don't have to go in as often, i've been saving most of my money up so I could speak to Harry about maybe finding a place of my own soon.

I know I don't need his permission, and i'm more than capable of doing it on my own, but now that we're together I don't want to do anything without speaking to him about it.

You're So Golden |H.S|Where stories live. Discover now