Neverland Punishments

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This part is mainly a flashback because I wanted to give more background to whats next. 😁 ✨ 💚


In Neverland if you disrespected or disobeyed the king there would be punishments. Either the cages, forced to fight, dangerous games, or thrown into Mermaid Lagoon. But there was one other punishment worst from the rest. Getting your shadow torn off. As long as the shadow rip wasn't intended to kill the recipient the wouldn't die but no matter how softly Pan pulled the shadow off-but it's Pan he doesn't do soft- it would hurt like hell. A shadow if a part of a person no matter if it's just a reflection or not.

The first time Wendy saw the cage punishment when she had only just arrived in Neverland was used on one of the Lost boys. His name was Charlie, he had only arrived a few days before Wendy and he was only 10. Sure he was lost but that didn't mean he was a Lost Boy. Lost boys were a whole other thing entirely. They needed to be tough and when necessary, ruthless. They needed to jump the second Pan said jump. But Charlie wasn't going to hurt people for the heck of it and he didn't want to be a devoted follower of Pan. Which surprised all of them greatly because to them, Pan was their salvation. Charlie put up a fight when commanded to do something or refused to injure another boy, after awhile Pan grew so much annoyance for the boy he put him in the cages. He had tried to be patient and didn't want Wendy to see his "dark" side yet but he was tired of Charlie so after a long day of his refusing to train, Pan ordered Felix and a few others to take him to the cages. Then he was left for 3 days with no food or water, then they fed him but didn't let him out. 5 days later they had occasionally given him a few sips of water but by then his resolve was as good as gone. Once he was let out of the cage, he was finally a Lost Boy.

Wendy received the same punishment after running away from their shared treehouse for the fifth time.

Then there was the fighting punishment. This one wasn't used as often because Pan needed 2 people to  do it. But one day Twins were brought to the island. They were very unruly and couldn't be serious to save their life, and that's what happened. They were in a fight against the pirates, while Wendy was lazily "fighting" Smee while keeping an eye on Killian and Pan, the twins weren't taking it seriously. While they were running, around acting as if it was a practice, a dagger was thrown at one of them intending to kill. But they didn't see it coming so they continued to run. Since they made no move to stop the pirate or the dagger it longed into the back of an older lost boy named William who had been too busy fighting two pirates at once. The lost boy wasn't as ruthless as the others, he acted like an older brother to the littler ones and a friend to the older ones. He loyal to Pan and acquaintance to Wendy for they only spoke briefly, but once William fell into the sand of the beach it seemed if time had froze. That moment made the lost boys hit faster and harder until the pirates had been forced to retreate. Pan then buried William as he did the others who had passed on the island. Then he dealt with the twins. They were forced to fight each other until they both were on the brink of death. While they fought the rest of them had to stand in a circle around them to ensure they didn't try to run, and to be a "audience". Wendy watched the whole thing in horror.

Wendy never received this punishment cause Pan wouldn't let anybody touch her. But she was forced to practice her archery skills for a day non-stop. Then returned to their treehouse.

It had been a very long time since Wendy had arrived on the island and she made a acquaintance named Percy. Percy was loyal to Pan at first. Once he saw Wendy revive the cage punishment his goal was to get her off the island. He had planned for Wendy to hide in a shipment when Hook left the island, but he wasn't as sneaky as he thought. The day it was supposed to happen they swiftly made their way through the jungle and made it to the beach to see the ship docked.

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