She's Back

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A few hours had passed and Wendy still hadn't woken up. Pan moved them from the floor and held her as close as possible as he sat in the bed and leant against the headboard. He was worried but he knew he had to be patient.

Flashback Continued

Pan grew impatient and decided to plan a way to run into the girl. He changed into every day London clothes, he felt rather uncomfortable but it was necessary. He watched as she walked with her brothers to the park a street over and he watched as she sat down on a bench as her brothers rushed to the playground as their mother told Wendy not to even think about dirtying another dress and for her to act ladylike. So she stayed on the bench watching as her brothers sword fought with sticks and laughed to their hearts content.

After maybe 10 minutes Peter Pan made his approach he casually went and sat on the bench next to her as he grew increasingly excited for the close contact.

"Oh hello!" She greeted as he sat down politely.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked in a accent that sounded a little different than a normal London civilian but she thought it was nice to listen to and and charming.

"Not at all." She smiled at him and watched her brothers again. He marveled at the smile that was directed towards him.

"Are those your brothers?" He questioned her. He knew the answer of course but needed to make conversation.

"Yes they are. Do you have any siblings?" She replied softly.

"No, I'm a only child." He replied with mock sadness that she didn't detect and she had a sympathetic look in her eyes.

"That's sounds dreadfully boring." She replied Turing back towards her brothers.

For a hour longer they asked questioned about one another but hardly any of the answers Pan gave were accurate. Like where he lived or his family.

Just as Micheal and John came running back over she began to excuse herself.

"Pardon me but what's your name?" She questioned hoping to see him again.

"Peter. Peter Pan." He held out a hand to shake with a slight smirk on his face.

"Wendy Moira Angela Darling. But just Wendy will do" she joked knowing the longevity of her name.

"See you soon Wendy." Peter said before walking away. She found a little weird for him to say soon as they really didn't plan a day to for another encounter. But she thought of it as if he wanted to see her again as she did him, but that didn't stop her from getting a bad feeling.

She walked back home with her brothers picturing the boy with the forest green eyes.

Over the next couple days Pans shadow visited the Nursery where Wendy and her brothers slept. He would fly around the room in a light hearted manner. The shadow would act as a invisible protector when her parents were angry at her.

Pan was furious as he watched how her parents treated what was his.

Wendy wished for a way out of the situation. She knew her parents did not love her as they loved her brothers. She considered running away many times but knew she would miss her brothers. She decided to deal with the pain and suffering when it mean she would be with them. Then the shadow appeared to her and she felt safe for the first time in a long time. It was refreshing almost to not be overly concerned. Wendy adored the shadow. She was always a imaginative person and dare say a tad naive. When the a shadow attempted to protect her without exposing themselves she never even though then shadow belonged to a darker force. That force being the strange being blending into the shadows of the window where he could see her but not the other way around.

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