Wendys Escape

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Still Flashback

Wendy was miserable in Neverland for the most part. She wasn't miserable for herself, she was too selfless to feel bad for herself. She weeped for John and Micheal who had to watched as she was taken into the night. She felt bad for her parents who will be told that their only daughter is missing, but she had a feeling they wouldn't care all that much. So no, she wasn't miserable for her self she was miserable for her brothers and parents.

She dared not to cry in front of anyone on Neverland and so she never did but every night the only ones who saw her cry was the walls of the tent and her pillow.

Wendy ran away every so often to find a way to get off the island but in the end she was always got, thrown in a cage, then let out days later. When Pan distracted her enough where she wouldn't think about escaping, he had slowly began to care for her. But he's Peter Pan, the boy who never grows old and yet he is feeling adult emotions. Love wasn't a boys emotion.

They swam together and playfully splashed one another. He chased her through the forest while playing a game (one where she wasn't hunted). Even the few occurrences leaving Neverland. But she always ended up returning. He grew angrier as the emotions began to surface. He vowed to find the root of the problem and in his eyes, it was Wendy.

So he decided to punish her for those feelings, even if she wasn't that one forcing him to feel that way.

He threw her in a cage almost every night others were spent with her tied to a tree or laying in the dirt. He hunted her in the woods and the lost boys chased after her like a game. She wore scratches, cuts, and bruises as if each one was permanent. Until she gave up on running. She gave up on everything really. She contemplated what life would be like if she was back in London with her brothers and her ignorant parents. Or if she simply faded out of existence. She laid in her tent for days staring up at the ceiling of it. She didn't move, she didn't eat, she had no motivation to be her former self. As she began to deteriorate Pan had left his guard down. Apparently he was about to go recruit that day and was holding a bean in his hand when he checked on her. In his daze he dropped the bean but luckily it didn't open the portal since he never technically threw it. He walked out of the tent having no idea what he had done. But Wendy saw him drop it out of the corner of her eye and her hope was reignited. She pushed herself out of the bed and grabbed the Bean.

She thought of London, the only place she may ever find her way around. With that she tossed the bean on the floor and went to jump through when Pan ran into the tent but he was too late. Wendy had left Neverland.

She lived on the run for decades on end, never staying in one place for too long as people began to question where her parents were and at the first sign of Pan she ran. Wendy was on her own the whole time, she didn't bother making friends since they'd be killed by Pan if he thought that they had even the slightest hint of her location.

But while she was running from Pan, the police were looking for him. Once the police found a picture that they'd taken on one of the few times they'd left the island they searched for her as well. She had been walking down a alleyway on edge when the ends were blocked off and she was taken away in handcuffs. She was freaking out for 2 reasons
1. She had no idea what she did, she had made sure lot to steal unless she was positive she wouldn't be caught.

2. If she stays for too long Pan would find her.

Meanwhile Pan wasn't too far away followed by his trusty right hand man. Pan had one of the most mischievous smirks he'd probably ever made on his face. He'd known that they'd catch her because of that, why else would he allow that picture of be found? He'd played them like pawns, they couldn't ever catch him but they simply didn't get that. With that he waltzed into the police station like he owned the place.
He killed them all by himself while Felix took down anyone who tried to escape.

(You know how it went from here, if you want a refresher go to the chapter Police Station. Back to the story 😁)

Flashback Over

Wendy and her brothers took the day having heart to heart moments. They each told their experiences and Wendy left out the part where she almost killed herself back in the cave. She was surprised that Pan had not showed back up yet but she decided it was best not to question it.

Once it got late and Granny kept hinting that they needed to leave, they hadn't even noticed that it had gotten dark. They briskly walked back to the mayors house where everyone else was.

They second they walked in the door Killian and Henry bounded over and hugged the life out of her.

"Hello to you too!" Wendy said with a small giggle.

Henry smiled sheepishly and Killian shrugged with a small smile. The other stayed back, David, Snow, and Emma all felt guilty about the choice while Regina leaned more towards more anger on Pan for having them make the choice In the first place then guilt. Wendy glanced briefly at the group but chose to go to bed after making plans with Killian and Henry for the next day.

Pan watched Wendy from afar, he was angry beyond imaginable but he wanted to give her a few days with her brothers and the 'one handed pirate with a drink problem' and Henry. He planned to try and not make her second guess about him.

The next day Wendy, Henry, and Killian all went to the docks just to spend time with one another. But their day of being in each other's company would be cut short.


This part is dedicated to Person_owo  for all the amazing comments and votes on this story and others. Thank you 💚

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