Nightmare at the Docks

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Wendy POV

When I woke up the next morning Felix was still next to me and I remembered the nightmare I had last night. I sit up and lean back against the head rest, giving me time to wake up. Glancing about the room, I saw a piece of paper on the window sill. I silently got out of bed and walked over to the note. It was a small note written in red. Pan. I slowly opened it, dreading what it will say.

"I'm here My Bird." It said, It had to be Pan but I willed it not. I may have loved him or even love him but it does not change the fact he ripped away the memories that he didn't want me to have. If it comes to it he will have to convince me, that I should love him or even believe in him. Thats if when the times comes I'm willing to give him a chance.

"What does it say?" Felix asked with a smirk making me jump.

"Jeez Felix!" I said trying to catch my breath and he laughs a little.


So I told him what it said. He's the only one who can notice that this is all Pans doing. Everyone else is to blinded by their sheer will to see past it. Adults only see what's in front of their face. People like My brothers, Emma Swan, David, Snow, Regina even will only see that they had defeated him, that he won't follow us, that he won't complete his mission. But people like me, Felix, and maybe even Hook know what he's like. Pan never fails.

"Wendy! Breakfast is ready!" I hear Micheal call from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back. Felix and I make our way down stairs into the dining room of the house. John is setting the table and Micheal is bringing in the food.

"I could help you know, But thanks." I said with a small smile.

"It's fine Wendy. Felix" John said with a nod to Felix. Felix nods back. The tension in the room is hardly bearable. We all sit down and eat breakfast, occasionally talking about ourselves but mostly information about the town.

"Emma's the sheriff, David's a deputy, Reginas the mayor, Henry is Emma's birth mother while Regina is his adoptive mother."
That's why it was so confusing when they were yelling at each other back on Neverland. Felix keeps quiet, probably just observing and taking in the information for future reference.

"I'm going to go and find a job in the town, something I actually want to do." Micheal said sending a glare towards Felix who has no reaction.

"I'm going to do the same, I think I want to work as a history teacher at the school. I think I would be very good." He said with a small laugh which I return. 

"That's sounds nice, I'll get one too once I adjust more."

"You don't have to Wendy." Micheal says

"Yeah, it's fine." John agrees.

"It's ok guys, I want to. I need some routine."

Micheal glances down at his watch and John and him excuse themselves. They say a quick goodbye and head out the door.

"Well that was weird" I said with suspicion. They left fairly quickly, which was odd.

"True." Felix says with a shrug.

"I'm going to go change." I said quickly leaving the room and make my way upstairs. I go to the closet and find some of the clothes we got yesterday. It feels weird, all my life I've worn dresses or skirts but no there is a lot of different clothes. After some time I decide on a jean shorts- that is way shorter than I'm used to- with a green sweater. Shoes feel weird but I can't walk around barefoot here, so I decide on a pair of brown flats. I look in the mirror and realize I chose colors of Neverland, I have the blue ocean on my shorts, the green trees on my sweater, and the hard earth as my shoes. I'm probably just overthinking. I was on Neverland so long everything revolves around it. I might as well try to branch out while I'm here. So no these are just normal colors, normal clothes that people wear.

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