Easily Replaced

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Trigger warning in this chapter (self harm), I will let let you know it happens

I looked up in shock after finishing the letter, I'm glad Pan wants to keep me safe, he could treat me much, much worse So I'll take it. There's they stood at the entrance of the cave starting back at me.

"Why are you here?" Hook asked

"Pan put me here for my protection from you." I said smirking knowing that they can't get in.

"Wendy!" One of them yelled making me turn towards him "tell me where my grandson is." He said lunging forward to the opening of the cave but gets repelled back and thrown.

"David!" A short, dark haired lady yelled.

So I guess his name David.

"Pan put a barrier on the door." I said smirking but just as I finished one of them stepped forward.

"You know Wendy, you know just as much as Pan, and clearly he cares for you, by capturing you, we may well have Henry."

"Well I'm not going to help!" Why can't they get this through their thick skulls!

"Well we tried asking but might as well use some force." Mr.Gold said while stepping through the barrier, I gasped and backed away. But before I could get far he used magic to paralyze me. I watched him take away the barrier along with another help. As soon as it was away, Hook ran over and hugged me. I just glared.

"He wouldn't be here if Henry wasn't here. He didn't care enough to look for you so why should you forgive him! Exactly you shouldn't!  He basically replaced you, he found a new crew. A crew you aren't apart of." My subconscious thought as he held me. And with that he knocked me out, falling into Hooks arms.

While she is knocked out

"Why's your knock her out! We could have gotten information!" Regina yelled at Mr.Gold

"Felt like it." He said shrugging knowing full well they can wake her up whenever.

"We need to use her to get to Pan." Emma said to the group.

"She's just a kid Emma!" Snow stated trying to convince the group to find a better way.

"So is Henry and I vote going to get MY kid." Emma exclaimed back

"We Can use her. We can threaten her or try to get her to give up her loyalty to Pan, WHICH whom she wouldn't have loyalty to if it wasn't for the pirate!" Regina said glaring at Hook with Wendy in his arms. He shot her back a look and desperate tried waking her.

"Get up love" Hook said shaking her shoulders lightly enough not to harm her. Her eyes started to flutter open and she looked up at the group and back away to where none of them were and as far away from Hook as she could be.

Wendys POV
Once I woke up I desperately shot up and away from Hook, I needed to get away but they blocked the exit of the cave. I backed away until I hit the cave wall.

"Wendy, you don't have to be afraid" Snow said walking closer to her.

"Don't have to be afraid?! You guys paralyzed me then knocked me out!" I retorted to her idiotic cooing.

"You left us no choice! You on Pans side!" Davis said.

"Who else's side would I be on! Certainly not on the side of the person who abandoned me on this island years ago! By myself!" I yelled back aiming at Hook.

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