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Meanwhile with Snow, David, and Regina, she poofed them to The Darling home and laid everyone on the floor of the living room so they could watch over them. Snow had Emma's head resting on her lap as Emma whimpers slightly along with the rest other than Pan.

"What's happening?" David questioned as their whimpers got more frequent.

"As I said Pitch's Dust, they are probably seeing their worst fears.... or there was another thing he used the dust for back in the enchanted forest. It could also make you see your worst memories. Based on their reactions I'm taking it as that one. There is no way to wake them as his dust isn't magic like mine. We will have to wait until their memory is done and deal with it then. She spoke while stroking Henry's hair. The others were simply laying on the floor as well, each stuck in their own minds.

The first to wake up was Henry.

He shot up from his place on reginas lap and gasped as tears sprung into his eyes.

"Henry! Your okay.... your okay." Regina comforted him until he stopped crying and felt better. The rest were still asleep.

David and Snow also checked on whim before returning to Emma to not overwhelm him.

"Were you stuck in a memory?" Regina questioned softly, he was frozen and didn't move. she held him tighter to her as if it could protect him from the world.

The next to wake up was Emma.

She too had sprung awake just as Henry had but she held in her tears but the glossy look on her eyes showed that she was about to.

"Emma!" Snow and David cry out and hold her as silent tears stream down her face.

Henry walked over as well and cuddled up to Emma to comfort each other. Emma held him tightly against her.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Snow questioned softly.

"It was a memory but... not. It would start out as a memory bad memory but when the good parts happend the memory would change. Mine was when Henry was taken in the first place by Greg and Tamara... but instead of him coming back he stayed on the island. We didn't have a way of the island and we tried to get him back... but Pan ripped out his heart and crushed it in front of me... then I woke up." Emma spoke in a small voice with her voice cracking ever so often as she watched the scene replay in her mind.

They talked for awhile as they just waited for the others to wake up. Those being John and Micheal at the same time.

The found comfort in each other. The both had the same dream. They remembered the night Wendy was taken away. How they were powerless to help her and devastated when she never returned. Then it moved to the day at the docks. They both saw her not remembering them... and she never did. They had to watch us Pan took her again and again. They just wanted to be there for their sister. Sure she may have been the oldest but now she is like their little sister, they want to protect her and their dreams hurt them as it prevented them from doing so.

The others left them to comfort each other in peace.

Next was Killian.

He didn't cry like the others. He was shaking though. He could see each and every memory passing through his mind. Then they turn out badly... just like Emma's. He saw the day Wendy was taken from him and then they were reunited but she never forgave him. She was stuck under the spell Pan put on her to change her memories. She hated him. His daughter hated him.

After he pulled himself together he rushed to Wendy's side and held her hand tightly as she slightly twitched from her dreams.

"Why are we waking up at different times? Why aren't the others awake?" Emma questioned after she felt better.

"I don't know for sure... but it could be based on how badly the nightmare is or how many there is to go through. Henry is younger then everyone else in this room, he experienced less fear as the rest of us had. Emma your the second youngest. Then it would be Micheal then John if it was based on age but they both have experienced almost everything together so they woke up at the same time. Then Killian, and now Wendy and Pan. I'm not sure who's will wake up first." Regina spoke from Henry's side as she comfortingly ran her fingers over his head.

Killian, Micheal, and John wanted Wendy to wake up. Their nightmares confused them. What if it was true? What if Wendy really did forget them? And just pretended? What if she truly didn't want to be a family.

But they wouldn't know until she woke up.

Meanwhile with the Guardians

"You called them? Really? I didn't know you were that pathetic Jack? Can't take me by yourself Hmm?" Pitch taunted

"Well you had two people on your team so clearly I needed to add to my own. I can't be two places at once you know." Jack responded with a playful tone. He is a protector and he can't protect the others and Wendy while getting rid of Pitch.

Gothel stood in the back with a eye brow raised examining the guardians as she had never faced them before, she would be lying if she said her confidence in their plan hadn't wavered.

"It's also you Pitch, we've been wanting to get rid of you ever since we met you. Your that dislikable really." Bunny said smartly just thinking about how much he hated him after he almost ruined the world last time.

"Awh I'm flattered you think of me really. But, this has gone on too long. I know you are stalling to keep me from getting to the other people of this storybook town, but every though will be questioned and memories will cause them pain. It won't be the whole town, that's just unnecessary. But when they wake up everything they or should I say she will question everything. Then I can finally get rid of Peter Pan."

Just like that Pitch and Gothel disappeared in front of their eyes. The guardians needed a plan; And quick.



Sorry my chapters have been pretty boring, I'm slowly getting to the big fight and all of this will lead up to his big move. I hope it's still good though and can't wait to continue the story.

Thank you all for reading and me reaching 4K views! It's honestly astonishing. I never thought my story would come this far. It is close to a year since I started this story and also downloaded Wattpad. Both have made me so happy and all the people I've talked to and all the stories I've read. I'm so glad to have a sort of community where I can share my love of reading and my interests. Anyways, I hope you all are doing well and thank you for supporting me. ♡

- Sincerely, W.P

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