Wendy Darling

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Announcement: I have no idea if I ever specified how old she is physically or how old she actually is so I'm just going to say she is 16 physically and I'm just going to continue saying decades because I honestly have no idea what to put 😂

Now onto the story

"I should first explain your age because the rest of your story won't make sense if I didn't..." he said with a chuckle and she nodded, but with a confused look. I mean who wouldn't? To herself she looks about 15-16 but she wasn't prepared for what he was about to explain. Not one bit.

"As you can tell Magic exists. Well I just flew so I hope you do" he began to ramble which was very unlike him "well you stopped aging at 16 but your many decades older." He spoke before pausing to give her a moment to take in the information.

Wendy was very confused and that just added more questions to her list but she decided to wait to ask them since he will probably explain it.

"You grew up in a town called London with your parents and a dog as well. Your full name is Wendy Moira Angela Darling." Pan explained while leaving out her brothers. He didn't lie technically he just 'forgot' to mention them.

"Wow my names a mouthful" Wendy said jokingly with a smile.

"You bet it is." He spoke cheekily with a wink. But his face turned solem. Half faking to add for the effect but he really did feel bad for the life she had before his shadow got to her.

"Your parents names are George Darling and Mary Darling. And as I said you lived in London. You slept in the nursery and you had a bench by your window you'd look out into the sky on. You were amazing at telling stories and you were always very theatrical."

"Where are my parents?" Wendy questioned.

"They does long ago. They died of old age eventually." Pan replied still leaving out her brothers.

"Oh. I'd figured that but it would have been nice to have parents..." she spoke sadly. Now that she didn't have all her memories of the past she felt like a kid even if she physically was 16. She needed those adult figures in her life to keep her steady.

Looking at her face Pan began to feel an emotion he hadn't felt in a long time, Guilt. Guilt that she really did have a parental figures in her life. He'd seen first hand with Killian and he could see the bond with Emma that day at the docks. He really didn't want anybody else to take her away from him but he figured if he tells her she had parental figures she can't distrust him if they tell her. So he decided to tell her the bare minimum.

"You were mistreated by your Parents Wendy." Wendy gasped, there goes her hope at having loving parents in her past "your father physically and mentally abused you while you mother did mentally as well. It wasn't right and that's how you became Lost."


"Meaning unloved or replaceable. Like the Lost Boys. They are your other friends. Especially one names Felix. He's like a older brother to you." He wanted to specify that last bit even though she knew that they were dating. Well we're they? Officially? Who knows but he'd damn well consider that they were, even if he didn't officially ask before all this.

"Oh that's nice that I have a brother. I'm sad that I didn't have nice parents. I was making all these scenarios up in my head about what they'd be like." Wendy admitted shyly. She was playing with her hands to distract her self from her nerves. Peter saw it and reached over to hold her hands. She smiled up at him shyly at the act. If it was possible she felt his feelings through the small touch.

That next moment was one Peter Pan would probably regret at some point. Most likely the second after it comes out of his mouth.

"You actually have a sort of adopted Father and a maternal figure. But I don't know how well your relationship is with them." That was half true. He'd known she'd forgiven Killian but he didn't know if she'd forgiven Emma for not 'protecting her'. But he'd leave that up for her to decipher.

"Oh okay. Maybe I'll talk to them another time. How did I meet you?" Wendy asked sheepishly.  She wanted to be the person he dated because he seemed like a wonderful person. She hoped she'd have chance to be with him after she gets an idea of who she was.

"Since you felt lost my shadow came and took you away to Neverland. That's where we met. I gave you the nickname Wendy-Bird and Darling. We played games with the others who are in the cabin a little ways away from here. We also danced around a fire. But then somethings happened that are unimportant and you left the island. But after a few years you came back. But those people you met in the town came onto the island and took you away so I came to get you back. Now we are here." Pan explained purposely forgetting to mention a few things. Wendys eyebrows were raised as she tried to comprehend it all. This wasn't anywhere close to what she was thinking when she began trying to imagine what her life was like. She was concerned about what was unimportant enough for her to leave, especially if it was such a wonderful place? But she had no reason so far not to trust him and she had a odd feeling of safety.

"Okay just to sum it up... My names Wendy Moira Angela Darling, Im actually much older than I appear to be because of magic, My parents are dead but they didn't love me, I have parental figures in my life but we aren't sure who, I know a boy names Felix who was like a brother to me, we lived on Neverland, I was taken here, and your my boyfriend."

"Yup" he said popping the "p" with a small, sly smile. He still held onto her hands and he gently leaned her over so her head was on his shoulder.

"I believe your favorite color is forest green unless you changed it and didn't tell me" he said with a fake pout making her giggle. He smiled at hearing her laugh.

They talked for hours, well more like Pan talked while she asked the occasional question. They were still learnt against the headboard of the forest green bed. Her head was on his shoulder and he held onto her hand as if she'd disappear. She didn't know what she was feeling while they were holding hands with her head on his shoulder because she didn't know what Love was. She didn't know the feeling of being Loved. She had nothing to compare it to. But holding him while he held her felt right. No matter how much they talked and how much he told her, she still felt lost.

While they were talking they didn't notice a shadowy figure outside the window. It's blended into the back round staring at the two talk. After some time it flew away to the cabin and watched them. After spending some times in the shadows there, the shadow flew into town. As it past nobody noticed because they were all holed up in their homes after the curse hit. They were too afraid to leave, all of the blinds in the town were shut and the doors were barricaded themselves in and each resident quadruple checked that the windows were locked. They prepared to stay that way until they figure out Pans move.

The shadow flew to the window of the Charming's where Regina, Killian, and The Darling brothers resided as well to have 'safety in numbers' but it was also the fact that Henry was there so Regina and Emma were there and since Emma was there Killian was there then the darlings brothers were just hoping to figure out how to help Wendy. They'd also grown to consider Killian a friend and they enjoyed Henry's presence.

The shadow figure flew into the room with the group and they all went to attack but the shadow just looked at them.

"Wait that isn't Pans shadow..." Emma spoke warily.

"Who else doesn't have their shadows?" Snow questioned.

"It could be Golds?..." David replete but it wasn't sure.

"It doesn't have the shape of Gold, it looks more like a female." Regina responded with a slight scoff that they thought it was Golds.

But before they could determine anymore the shadow flew out the way it came

"Great. Another shadow problem." Regina remarked before extinguishing the fire ball in her hand.

While they went back to discussing Killian was thinking that he'd seen that shadow before. But that shadow was stuck in Neverland. Wasn't it?

Means To An End- OUAT DarlingPan story Where stories live. Discover now