Memory Loss

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"My Wendy-Bird"

Wendy stepped back a bit

"Who are you?"



"Wendy. It's me. Peter. Peter Pan."

"I can't remember... anything." She said with tears gathering. Peter pulled her close but she freaked out. She couldn't remember. Anything. She took off running into town.

Peter was surprised to say the least. He frantically told the lost boys and Felix to make their way to the office (lead by Felix since he knew where it was) then chased after her. Felix was concerned. He hadn't had a proper conversation with Wendy probably since the first day they arrived and sat at the table at Grannys. Now they may never get that chance, and of course he felt bad for his Best Friend/ Leader Pan.

Wendy arrived into town and The others had gathered at Grannys to figure out what the curse did exactly. As they were discussing they caught a glimpse of her running down the street, Killian, Her Brothers, Henry, and Emma took off after her. Snow, David, Regina stayed back.

"Wendy!" Killian yelled from behind her and Wendy stopped abruptly.

The stop made it so they had caught up.

"I'm so glad your okay." Henry said with a smile. Emma saw a look in her eyes, the look of being lost. Her brothers were simply glad to see her and oblivious to the look.

"Wendy?" Emma spoke cautiously.

Wendy turned her head quickly to look at who's spoken.

"Are you okay?" She asked warily.

Those words broke Wendy. No she wasn't okay! She didn't remember anything! She didn't know if she had a family! She didn't know if she had a boyfriend! She didn't know how old she was or even her birthday. She didn't know what her favorite color was or if she had a best friend. She couldn't remember where she was or how she got there. She couldn't remember her parents or if she had any siblings. It's was heart breaking to think she could forget her family.

Wendy felt like her knees gave out and Emma caught her, knowing that she wasn't alright. The others eyes widened. They hadn't a clue what happened in the last 10 minutes.

"I can't remember! I can't remember anything!" She sobbed and Emma and the others felt tears dripping down their faces. The only person able to make Killian cry and feel genuinely couldn't remember who he was or who themselves were.

It took a bit for Wendy to calm down and not much longer Pan had came running towards her, he could fly but he didn't want to startle her.

He glared at the people surrounding her and planned how he'd play this.

Take care of her, then she'd have no need for the others since she feels no obligation since she doesn't know of their relations. He had no doubt that he'd be able to make her fall in love again, maybe even remembering along the way. Even if she begins to remember Pan recalled their last moments. They were separated I'm good terms so at least he didn't need to memory wipe again... yet.

"Wendy there you are." He said with concern while over exaggerating to annoy the others.

"Stay away Pan!" John yelled making Wendy jump but Emma still held her.

"Come back home with me Darling, I'll tell you everything you've forgot." he spoke extra nicely, like a siren luring a sailor.

Wendy stood up and Emma stayed close with a hand on her shoulder. Wendy was tempted to shrug it off now since she ignored the fact that she had no idea who this woman was now that she's less hysterical.

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