Giving In

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Snow rushed to Reginas with the Darling brothers and Killian so they could do the spell. The rush up the steps and quickly knock cause if you just walk in she could blast you.

"What is it?" Regina said partially annoyed because of all the knocking.

"Pan took Emma, can you track her using my blood?" Snow explained quickly as Regina moved to the side so they could come in.

"Yes it should work." Regina said going into the other room to collect a magic map.

Killian wanted to believe that when they found Emma they'd find Wendy but he couldn't believe, his Hope was lost too many times.

With that they moved on to complete the spell, Snow called David to meet at Reginas so that they could form a plan once they track her. Regina tried to get Golds help but he refused.

Emma's POV

I woke up extremely uncomfortable, so I slowly sat up. Once I opened my eyes I remembered what happened. Pan. He broke into the house. But that doesn't explain why I'm here.

I felt around the cage to see if their was a loose stick but it was it was unbreakable, I looked out side of the cage to see how far down it was if I was able to break out but I would surely die if I tried it jump. I looked around to see if I could slam the cage into a nearby tree by all I saw was a... treehouse?
I began to yell because it had to be Pans treehouse and I need some answers!

3rd POV

Pan and Wendy woke up to a stir from the noise outside.

"What is that?" Wendy asked rubbing her eyes.

"That my Darling is my next move." He said with a sinister smile Wendy got up from the bed and cautiously went to the window.

"Emma!" Wendy called out once she recognized her.

"Wendy!" Emma replied.

"Are you okay?!" Wendy called back, she wanted to ensure she wasn't in need of medical attention.

"I'm fine Wendy, other than this cage. What are you doing in there?!" Emma said back from her cage.

"She's with me." Pan replied walking into view and slipping an arm around Wendys waist. Wendy tightly smiled at him, she almost completely going to forgive but Emma could change that if she was hurt.

"Pan! Let me out!" Emma yelled angrily from her cage. Wendy wanted to help but she herself was as much a prisoner to Pan as much as Emma.

"You might get out, once your little rescue group comes to save you." Pan sneered righting his grip on Wendy.

Pan pulled out his pipes and began to play a time and merely a few minutes later Felix came threw the forest.

"Go make sure the saviors little family is playing fairly." Pan commanded.

"On it." Felix replied with a devilish smile looking up at Emma's cage and walked away. Felix would have liked to talk to Wendy but orders are orders.

Pan then walked out of sight from the window pulling Wendy with him.

"Are you going to make this hard on me or are you going to come back to Neverland willingly once this is over?" Pan said with a sarcastic tone. He wasn't really expecting much of an answer more like he could tell by the way she responded.

Wendy opened her mouth to respond but quickly shut it again for she didn't have a response. If she flat out said she didn't want to go back it surely wouldn't sound very believable cause she wasn't sure herself. That was the only answer Pan needed, she wasn't hell bent on staying here and that was already a win in Pans book. He wrapped her in a hug which she froze at, but relaxed then slowly returned the hug. Pan softly smiled. Progress, to him this was amazing progress. He wanted to stay like that all day and she did too, no matter how many people he's killed she feels safe in his embrace. Emma was tuned out by Pan made it so Wendy couldn't hear her calls Wendy was finally giving in and that is a award amongst itself. Pan was ready to have his love back.



"Did you notice the new charm?"

"What? Oh!" She said noticing the charm on her necklace.

"It's-" Pan began to explain

"The acorn!" She exclaimed remembering the gift. Pan smiled and continued

"It will help you find me, its enchanted" he exclaimed and watched her eyes grow wide.
He decided not to explain that if someone was with her or following the enchantment won't work.

"It's wonderful, Peter." She said smile at the acorn. Pan was glad that she was not as mad as before, and that she was accepting his gift well more like claim.

Peter Pan and a Wendy stayed in the treehouse while Emma slumped in the cage outside, she had faith in her family so she figured she might as well wait. She just hoped they'd come quickly as it was extremely boring just being trapped in the cage.

Felix's POV

After Pan sent me one my way I went to first check the Darlings house but as presumed they weren't there. The next place they would go would be... the evil queens.

I stuck to the few shadows I could find and made my way to her house. I crept around looking in windows until I found them in her office. I watched as they did the spell to track the Savior, they talk and waited until I watched charming walk in. Then they got their weapons and left the house. I silently rushed back to the treehouse and called out to Pan.

3rd POV

Pan heard the call so he said a quick "one sec" to Wendy and poofed out of the treehouse onto the forest floor.

"Update." Pan said briefly with a smirk.

"They did a blood spell and are tracking the savior as we speak." Felix also smirked.

Emma heard them and was grateful that they were coming but concerned that Pan seemed not at all bothered by it.

Felix left to go prepare the lost boys while Pan teleported back into the treehouse but he stayed out of sight from Emma.

"What's going on?" Wendy asked fearfully, not for herself but for the others.

"Emma's being rescued, you will be allowed to go to the window but your not allowed to say I'm here until I say. Alright?" He said emphasizing Emma, not her. It did work, Wendy wasn't sure they would rescue her. It's not like they've done a very good job keeping her away from Pan away, they continue to make promises that they can't keep and she's the one who suffers in the end.

"Alright." She replied hesitantly which he smiled briefly at. It's not like she had much of an option, she couldn't have just said no. With that they waited until the Rescue group arrived.

The group

Regina was going to have Henry stay at home but he argued that Emma was his mom as well as is she and that if Wendy is there she'd promised to let him be there and eventually Regina have on after going through many rules.

Henry was ready to go save his Mom and hopefully Wendy. He was ready to be a hero.


Sorry this chapter isn't a lot, it's more so a filler for the next part. There will be a lot more action in the next part. 😁💚

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