Means To An End

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- Previously -
Wendy was almost going back home.

And she couldn't be more excited.

Neither could the lost boys.


There's a song on the second slide that fit this chapter well.

-Some Lyrics-
Cause they say home is where your heart is set in stone
It's where you go when you're alone
It's where you go to rest your bones
It's not just where you lay your head
It's not just where you make your bed
As long as we're together, does it matter where we go?


It was the day Pan, Wendy, and the lost boys would finally return to their home, Neverland. All of the StoryBrook gang gathered at the docks, watching as Felix handed Pan another portal bean. Pan had grown many, the StoryBrook gang did as well, having Tiny grow them towards the edge of town for the towns use. Pan himself could fly between the worlds so they would need them for when Wendy visited, luckily or else they would have ran out fast.

Wendy walked up to her brothers first and smiled at them.

"You guys have been there for me through everything, even mother, father and our life in London. You searched for me all of these years, giving up your own lives, in search to save my own. But, now I hope you can live a fulfilling life here, because you deserve it." Wendy said with tears in her eyes and she pulled the two men into a group hug.

"Your the best brothers anyone could ask for. I love you."

"This isn't goodbye, Wendy." Micheal said kissing her forehead.

"It's see your later. Cause if you don't visit us we will go to Neverland and drag you back ourselves." John joked hugged his siblings close. They laughed at his joke but all knew he wouldn't be able to get past Peter Pan to drag her back.

They hugged for a few more minutes before pulling away.

"I should go say goodbye to the others." Wendy spoke and they nodded, watching her walk away towards the others.

"This is going to be hard isn't it? To watch her go again." Micheal said looking at Wendy hugging Snow White and Prince Charming while they looked ay her fondly.

"It is. But this is what she wants, and after all she's been through, she deserves happiness."

After hugging Snow and David and saying goodbye she walked over to Emma, Regina, and Henry.

Henry rushed and pulled her into a tight hug, not wanting to let go.

"I'll miss you Wendy."

Wendy smiled down at the little boy and messed up his hair lightly.

"I'll miss you too Henry. But I'll be back." Next was Regina.

"So we will finally be rid of Pan, at least for a little while." Regina spoke sarcastically making Wendy lightly laugh.

"Yeah for a little while."

After their goodbyes Wendy was pulled into a hug by Emma.

"You look after yourself okay? And the second you are tired of Pan there will always be a home for you here." Emma whispered into her ear. Wendy pulled back and smiled at her and nodded before the both laughed.

"I'll see you soon kid."

Then the hard part, Killian. The man who knew the horrors that Neverland contained like the dark forest and the mermaids. The one who lived there for years before finally being granted freedom, the one who has to watch his daughter go back to the island with the king of it.

"Dad." Wendy spoke pulling him into a tight hug that was returned just as passionately.

"Wendy." He spoke holding his daughter tightly as if he never wanted to let go.

"You have been the best dad anyone could ask for, even if we haven't had many moments together recently, you will always be my dad."

"And you will always be my daughter. I love you Wendy."

"I love you dad."

Killian pulled back slightly from the hug and looked down at his daughter.

"So you really have to go?" Killian asked pleadingly but Wendy just smiled.

"Yes, yes I do."

"With him?"

"Yes with him dad." Wendy laughed at Killian's questions knowing he was just joking, or well kind of.

"But you'll be back next week?"

"Yes, 3 times preferably."

"Make it 5?"

"Maybe." Wendy smiled up at him and he returned it before she let go.

"I guess it's time to go." She spoke looking at Pan who stared at her with love in his eyes.

"I'll see you soon Love."

"See you soon Dad." She replied before walking over to Pan who was waiting at the edge of the water with the lost boys.


"As I'll ever be. We will be back next week though right?"

Pan rolled his eyes jokingly before sighing and replied with "if we must." Wendy lightly hit him on the arm and Pan smirked at her before throwing the bean in the water.

"Lost boys first!" Pan announced and all of the lost boys let out some type of battle cry before jumping into the portal. Felix felt backwards into the portal, saluting the StoryBrook gang as he did.

Pan held out a hand to Wendy and she grabbed it tightly.



And they jumped in with the portal closing after them.

As soon as they jumped they landed on sand alongside the lost boys who already began kicking around the sand and running across the beach.

Wendy looked up and saw the tall forest green trees and all of Neverland's nature. She turned back towards the water and saw Skull rock out in the distance.

Wendy turned back towards Pan with a smile on get face and he looked down at her before wrapping a hand around the back of her head and pulling her close into a loving kiss causing the lost boys to make fake gagging noises.

"We're home."

All of the hardships, all of the obstacles, after all of the people who delayed it.

All of those were A Means To An End.

Wendy Darling and Peter Pan and even the lost boys were finally home.


And that is it! This is the end of Means To An End. It has been a long journey from starting this story over a year ago and it's going to be sad for it to be completed. Although I am glad it's done so Wendy and Peter finally get their happy ending, back home with the lost boys.

I may add a few parts showing stories from different times they returned back to StoryBrook but I'm not sure yet.

Thank you all for the reads I've gotten, it didn't even seem possible when I first started the story that it would come this far, that more and more people would read it and like my story.

I hope you all have loved it as much as I have and again thank you for all the support. ♡

- With love, W.P DarlingPan

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