Pan's Dark Past

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A/N ⚠️ There may be a triggering subject in the flashback. Here is the warning, I will give a small recap after if you would prefer not to read it. I show when the flashback starts and ends. The flashback is sad and dark and feel free not to read it again.

Thanks 💚


After some more time together Peter brings Wendy into town, her prepared with a bow and arrow. He knew now that she had her memories she will remember how to defend herself, and he just didn't want to leave her alone.

Pitch and Gothel were still out there and Pan wanted to get rid of them.

"Peter?" Wendy asks as she hold his hand and had the boy in the other with the arrows in a holder on her back.

"Yes My Love?" He replied cheekily with a smirk, loving to say My Love. She smiled back at him but then turned serious.

"When it comes down to it... I want you to know you can be you. I know your holding back on the... darker parts of your personality. I just want you to know that I will love you either way. Unless you kill one of my friends, brothers,  or Killian. Got it?" She tried to demand but with the look she was getting from Peter  it was hard to be demanding.

"So I can kill the two of them right? Just want to clarify."

"Yes Peter" Wendy says while rolling her eyes. Of course she didn't want to encourage Peter to go on a killing spree but she knew if she wanted to love Peter as she did, she would need to be accepting of all sides. Even if one is murderous but that was normal for her, for others it was not. But she knew she wouldn't be able to stand by him if he were to hurt John, Micheal, Killian, or Henry. She didn't need to worry about Felix though.

Pan was just glad to have her permission, of course he wasn't going to need it really but he was glad he did. Wendys promise meant everything to him. He just had to control himself around the little savior group and he will be free to be with the love of his life.

"Who is Pitch? Or Gothel? Do you know?" Wendy questioned thinking about the situation, why did Gothel want her? Or Pitch? And where was Jack?

Peter debated on telling her, still stuck in his mindset of that it's memory-less Wendy who wouldn't understand, but he knew he had to tell her.

⚠️ Flashback ⚠️

The was a small village, farthest away from any castle. They weren't in poverty really because they all knew how to get the necessary foods and materials to survive. Of course they occasionally made the trip to another village who they've traded with in the past and went there if they needed something they couldn't get themselves.

That's where a 18 lived, with his little brother, father ,and mother.

He had one friend named Tinkerbell who wanted to get him out of the house but she wouldn't be able to fly him and his brother away. Peter also didn't want to leave his mom but soon he'd have no choice.

His father wasn't a kind man. He would constantly abuse Peter, Mentally and Physically. Peter vowed to himself he would protect his little brother so he took it whenever his father try to treat him like he did Peter.

His mother was kind. She knew minimal of the terrors her children faced at the hands of their father. She wanted to get them out but they had nowhere else to go.

His little brother was almost naive. He knew what Peter did for him but not to the extent. He looked up to his big brother and wanted to be brave like him when he grew up but he would never grow up.

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