Police Station

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A/N: Hi! I've began editing this story to fix some mistakes; and it may switch between 1st and 3rd person but I'm hoping to keep it to third. When a chapter is edited it will say it at the top. If you're seeing this, thank you for reading land i hope you enjoy!


Wendys POV
"Where is Pan?" The officer asked me in the cold, bland interrogation room.
"I don't know where he is!" I pleaded trying to make them believe me.

"See this? This is a picture of you taken in 1950's. How is that possible?"

"I cannot say."

"Where ever you go, Pan seems to follow! Why?!"

"I escaped him, long ago."

The lights flickered then shut off plunging them into darkness.
"What the hell Is going on?!" The officer yells. "Pan." I felt my eyes widen as I realized what was happening. They kept me too long! Pan is here! The lost boys are here!

I  backed into the corner, grimacing at the screams of the employees outside the door. The door breaks off it's hinges hitting 2 officers knocking them out cold.
"Oh Wendy-Bird!" Pan says in a sing song voice.
He stalks closer into the room. I covered my mouth with my hands to silence the breathing,

I know no officer is left alive. Not anymore.

Pan got closer and closer to me, I had a feeling he already knew  where I was hiding. But he's Peter Pan, and who would he be if not making it a game.

I closed my eyes, going with the I can't see you so you can't see me logic, but it's didn't work.

"Found you." He sneered grabbing my arm.
I yelped In surprise and quickly kicked him causing him to let go in surprise and I quickly ran out of the room.

I was halfway down a hallway before I saw Felix blocking the door, his club in hand. I heard Pan coming down the hallway behind me, I knew he was doing it on purpose to scare me cause he could be much more quiet.

But the fear overwhelmed me, and I had to take the chance, I hadn't been running this long just to get caught.

So I bolted towards Felix and knocked him down, I quickly and got up running out the door into the night.

"Run, Run as fast as you can Wendy-Bird!" Pan called out as I ran. He decided to give her a head start before he used magic, he used some pixie dust as a source for magic as the land didn't have any of its own.

"5...4...3...2...1" he counted down slowly in his head before he flew down the direction he saw her flee, he look at the streets and on the sidewalk before seeing a flash of blonde, unruly hair running through an alley way.

He smirked and flew down to block off the end of the alley.


I ran into the alley thinking he was gone but to make sure I turned around to check, but I banged into something. I muttered a small curse word and looked up.
When I looked up I saw a smirking Pan looking down at me, I hated it! I knew I was stuck but didn't want to believe it.

"Leave me be." I stated trying to hide the fear in my voice.
"Now Wendy-Bird why would I do that? Your my best source of entertainment." He said with a devilish smile. Before I could respond he let out a loud call and Felix came running behind him. Felix grimly smiled at the angry girl Pan was blocking. He of course wanted Wendy back too, he'd always wanted a little sister but, he wasn't sure if this was the best way. Yet, he had no say even as Pans right hand.

Pan grabbed some pixie dust from his bag and sprinkled it over Felix and Himself as I watched on. He motioned his arms out to me, I could tell he wanted to make me more pissed off as he purposely didn't give me any. Then he picked me up and held me bridal style.

"Put me down!" I said trying to sound tough and firm but failing as who would be able to after being high in the air and could be dropped at a moments notice.

Pan and Felix chuckled at my 'toughness' but before I could say more Pan darted off into the sky with Felix not too far behind. I didn't scream, at least if I fell, well to die would be an awfully big adventure I thought to myself.

Pan purposely flew a little unruly so it would make me hold onto him even more. I got to the point where I had wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled at her touch but quickly hid it.

"Why me." I whispered underneath my breath.

"Because my Wendy-Bird, your mine. " he said creepily. I shuddered at his tone but kept a straight face.

"Second star to the right..." Pan said nearing the star, looking to me to finish it.
"No." I said knowing what he expected.
"Then I'll just have to drop you." He said loosening his hold on her body.
"Fine!" I spoke angered. Gripping a little harder than before and he smirked at me, and I just glared.
"And straight on till morning" I spoke reluctantly after avoiding this for a very long time after what happened last time.

This wasn't even needed to be said, but he was just being difficult. Wanting to force me to acknowledge where we were going.


Peter Pan was a very dark person, bedtime stories made him out to be the hero when actually he was the villain. Yes, he did live in Neverland, had lost boys, Tinkerbell lived there too and so did mermaids.

But Peter Pan wasn't a hero, nor a good guy. He was a villain. His ledger was dripping red. Pan killed those who he didn't like, he was lethal. He may of cared about the lost boys but he wasn't merciful to anyone who betrayed him or belittled him.

The lost boys were trained with swords as well as bow and arrows. Their games were dangerous and there was no way to stray from their destined path, They all followed their leader.

Neverland wasn't a place of dreams but a place of nightmares. Creatures roamed the jungle by stayed far away from Pan in fear. Bushes covered in thorns that dripped with Dreamshade. The mermaids drowned many people and call upon storms that would sink the sturdiest ship.

Tinkerbell had her wings taken and the fairy dust disappeared.

Peter Pan was no hero, and Wendy Darling was just a girl who he could not live without the moment he saw her:

What she didn't know was that he was going to change, he wouldn't be as mean as before and he would teach her to protect herself not just being a moving target for the boys or someone who was expected to take care of them.

Means To An End- OUAT DarlingPan story Where stories live. Discover now