The Curse

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Wendy, Henry, and Hook all sat on the bench with food for a small picnic, Wendys idea of course. But they could hardly eat. While John, Micheal, and Wendy hadn't seen each other since the day she was first taken she had already caught up with Killian and talked a little to Henry.

Killian knew that Pan was planning something big if he hadn't came yet while Henry was just enjoying his time with the girl as it lasted.



"I forgive you for what happened all those years ago. I can tell you still blame yourself. I want you to know that." Wendy said with tears brimming her eyes. She knew that Pan would be there soon, he always was one step ahead of everyone else, we'll most of the time he was.

"I.. thank you Love." Killian replied with tears gathering in his own eyes. Henry stood by and watched the exchange solemnly. He was the truest believer. He believed in every story that was in his book. He believed in every story he read. From his time in Neverland he knew Wendy was most likely not going to be able to stay in StoryBrooke unless they found some way to get rid of Pan, not to even mention the Lost boys

"Killian. The day you decided to take care of me was the day I truly felt the love of a father and for that I thank you."

"Wendy, that day was one of the best days of my life. You were- are the best daughter a pirate could as for. I love you Wendy."

"I love you too Killian." Wendy leaned her head on his shoulder. She grabbed Henry's hand as well and he leaned on her.

"Henry you are like another Brother to me. I am truly sorry for my roll in keeping your family from you Henry in Neverland but I have to admit I'm glad that you did or else we'd have never met. I love you as well" she spoke with tears streaming down her face but she made no sound.

"I'm glad we met too Wendy. I love you too." He said trying to brighten the mood with a gleaming smile. Wendy smiled back and Killian watched the exchange. After that they hall sat peacefully at the docs. Just like the first time they all sat on the bench together. All they could do is wait for Pan to make his final move. And that's exactly what he was planning.

Pan decided to let the lost boys have some fun so he sent them into town with no instructions. He had to admit he found it quite funny when they had no idea what a certain object was. While they did that Pan was sitting on the edge of a building by the docks 'coincidentally' having the bench where His Love sat in a direct line of sight.

Wendy told Henry a bunch of story's about her life when she was in the run since it wasn't in his storybook. Killian felt a mix between being guilty for not being there for her and pride that she survived so well on her own in the Land Without Magic.

Pan was also listening to her story's from the distance. He grumbled a few times knowing he had been so close but she had ran again. But it was time for the final phase of his plan. The curse.

He flew away after watching Wendy for a few more minutes and went to the well at the top of the hill giving him a full view of StoryBrooke.

He started to put in each ingredient and Felix care up soon thereafter.

"Is that it?" Felix asked devilishly.

"Almost. One more thing. The heart of the thing I love most" Pan spoke with a smirk. He had done extensive research and found that he would still need a heart but by putting DNA from the person he loved most on the heart it would work. He sent the shadow to grab Wendys hairbrush and a heart. Since he didn't specify who the Shadow took the heart of a older lady that was a hand maiden in the enchanted forest. Shadow came back with both items and handed them to Pan. He took a strand of hair from the brush and put it on the heart then dropped it into the potion. When it started to fog green he knew it had succeeded.

Wendy, Killian, and Henry all walked back into town to Grannys because Emma called and said their was another murder. Wendy felt guilty since maybe if she wasn't so adamant on seeing her friends a little while longer she could have convinced him to return to Neverland.

Once they arrived Snow, David, Regina, and Her brothers were there as well.

"What did he do?" Henry asked, none of them wanted to say since Henry was still young and innocent but they knew he'd find out anyways.

"Pan ripped out her heart." David spoke after they all finished their internal debates

Wendy gasped the slightest only for the reason that why is he suddenly taking hearts? He almost always takes Shadows. But she didn't have much time to dwell on it until Leroy came running into Granny's.

"THERE IS A HUGE GREEN SMOKE COMING RIGHT TOWARS US!!" He yelled out and they all rushed outside to see the smoke flowing down the hill and vines lining the buildings. Pan, Felix, and the lost boys just barely walked ahead of the smoke. The group ran towards the town line but they knew they couldn't evade it, they just wanted time. Wendy was hesitant to run but Killian grabbed one arm and John held the other and pulled her along while John also made sure to keep track of Micheal.

Pan smirked, watching the heros run away from him was a huge ego booster. Pan couldn't wait until Wendy was at his side when the curse passed.

The all ran but they had to stop before the line to make sure they didn't lose their memory's.

"What are we going to do?" Emma asked and Henry looked desperate. Sure he read about curses and such but never knew he'd get pulled into one.

"For once... I don't know." Regina said solemnly and baffled.

The curse was just ahead of them. David and Snow cling onto each each other while Emma and Regina clung to Henry. Wendys brothers surrounded her along with Killian. John and Killian still had their arms wrapped around her and Micheal had his hand on her shoulder. Pan, Felix, and the lost boys already were in it but this curse wasn't meant to erase memory's. It just turned the town of StoryBrook into Pans game board. And he was the game master. The King. And the King wanted his queen.

Just as the curse engulfed then it took John and Micheal to their house and it transported the rest to the Apartment. Along with Regina because her house would officially be Pans. But Wendy. Wendy was the thing Pan loved most and by using her DNA on the heart the curse didn't know where to put her. Call it a glitch, she wasn't meant to be there. So the curse erased her. It couldn't kill her but the second she was engulfed she didn't go anywhere but her memory's did. She knew nothing other than her first name.

Pan flew over her and engulfed her in his arms.

"My Wendy-Bird." He said softly but Wendy pushes him away slightly, confusing him.

"Who are you?"

Pans face dropped.


Means To An End- OUAT DarlingPan story Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum