Loyalty Questioned

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3rd Person

"I'll show you to the camp but I can't promise Pan would keep him there." Tinkerbell said to the group.

Emma, Snow, David, Regina, Gold, and Hook found her to help them get to the new camp in hopes of finding Henry.

"We have to try." Emma said while Regina nodded.

They cut through think, green jungle; carefully trying to avoid the dreamshade thorns. The arrive at the camp to see a only a few lost boys surrounding a fire, sharpening their sticks and arrows. Regina swiftly knocks them out with magic by engulfing them in a purple smoke. The scour the camp calling out to Henry. But they don't find him.

Wendys POV
I hear voices I don't recognize calling out but I can't hear what they are saying. I can't see much from the window (basically hole in the wall) they seem to be growing closer. What if someone new is on the island?! What if they try to harm the lost boys?! I may not be close to them all but I've grown quite fond of some.

3rd POV

The group makes their way back into the forest to continue their search when they look up and see a cage like tree house in the tree. They start calling out to see if anyone is in there. Wendy being the person she is pokes her head out just enough to see hoping she is not caught, but she is.

"Hey!" Emma called out to her but she quickly ducks.
"We saw you already!" David yelled bluntly.
Wendy pokes her head out the window but they can't see her clearly from the height.

Wendys POV
"Who are you?!" I called down with suspicion.
One of them looked up at me but I couldn't tell who.

"My names Emma! I'm looking for my son!"

"Our son!" Another blurts out

"Well that's confusing." I muttered to myself.

"Their are plenty of boys here, I'm not sure who your son is!" I say trying to get out of the conversation. But they yell again.

"His names Henry!" One of them yells but i couldn't see who since i walked away from the window.

"Henry?" I question to myself. I'm surprised people are here for him, he could hear the music from Pans Lost flute.


The night I was locked up Pan and the winning lost boys celebrated their victory from the game. I saw them all around the fire as his flute played. I hummed the tune to myself and watched all the boys dance to the tune. I caught a glimpse of Henry since he is not wearing a typical lost boys outfit since it is first day. I looked down at my own outfit and smile, Pan had made it since I wasn't sure what he wanted  a Lost Girls outfit to look like. I had finally accepted the term of being a Lost Girl since Pan had told me that no one is bothering to come for me, and Pan has always been there one way or another so my trust is in him.

Flashback over

"Why?" I yelled back, then I remembered, Pan said that if there was an emergency while I was up here to use a special flute that only he can hear. I need to find it.

"He's my son!" One of them yelled back, I assume the Blondie.

"It's no use now! He can hear the Lost boy music, so you clearly didn't love him enough!" Right as I finished I saw the flute by the bed. I picked it up and played it to signal Pan.

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