Answers... but was it worth it?

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I just wanted to say that in this chapter I'm introducing 3 new characters because I felt like the story wasn't going anywhere and it was way too slow. I'm going to try a few parts with the new characters and if they seem out of place I'll take a vote and try to re-write some stuff.
Thanks! W.P 💚

"What did I miss?"

None of them made a move to answer the question, other than Wendy to opened her mouth but Killian didn't want her to say anything that could make Pan take her away.

"Nothing of concern to you Pan."

"Well that's rude." Pan said feigning hurt. Wendy smiles and reach forward for his hand and lightly held it to make him feel better. Wendy was a lot more lovey doves then before but Pan payed it no mind because he loved it. He really didn't want to make the choice about her getting her memories back.

Meanwhile Regina completely scraped the plan to leave Pan alone until they figured out his intent. She wanted to try and get Wendys memories back. Killian kept talking and Pan kept retorting to his useless comments. Regina used her magic to non conspicuously make Wendys spoon fall of the table. Wendy went to get It but Pan having a extra gentlemanly facade on he went to grab it for her but before he could Regina blew poppy powder that she had conjured up from her collection. He was immune to her sleeping spell but poppy power was stronger.

He passed out on the seat and once again before Wendy could speak the powder was blown in her face as well.

"Regina! What the bloody hell did you do?!" Killian exclaimed, the others were still in a state of shock.

"We need to figure out Wendys memory situation, and I saw an opportunity." She shrugged not really caring if they were mad.

"I mean... it's a good plan." Henry said trying to lighten the mood and defend his mom. Regina smiled at him then sent a smirk to the others.

"I'll take Wendy to my vault and try to find something to regain her memory's. You guys deal with Pan." She said before poofing Henry, Wendy, and herself to the vault.

Regina put Wendy up against the pillar and Henry and herald looked through book after book of spells.

"Do you have any ideas?" Henry asked his mother.

"It has to have something to do with the curse most likely. This doesn't help Pans outcome so it most likely wasn't him that caused it, but the curse could have affected her differently, we just have to figure out why." Regina replied flipping to the page about curses in her spell book.

She finally found the page, she motioned Henry over and they read it together. That's when Regina realized. In order to enact the curse he'd have to gift up the heart of the thing he loved most, Felix could have been used out of loyalty but he was still alive, as was his claimed love Wendy. She skipped to the part about the heart. She started to read...

"The heart of thing you love most can be replaced with a normal heart and adding the dna of the thing you love most..." unbeknownst to Peter his book had a part scratched away.

"But there will be side effects such as memory loss, personality change, or death. The curse has a mind of his own in a way, the thing you love most should not live after the curse is enacted and the curse will try to right a wrong."

Regina and Henry took in the information.

Henry being the optimist he is he looked to the bright side. One being that she's not dead.

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