The Choice They Made

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The Rescue group made their way into the forest, following the map that leads them to Emma using blood magic. The Charmings, Regina, and Henry were carefully making their way through the forest but they still moved quickly since Snow and David still were familiar with the forest.

Pan waited in the treehouse with Wendy, they hardly spoke in fear of angering the other so they sat on the bed and held each other. Pan was thinking of his plans, surely it would break Wendy but he would be there to pick up the pieces. Once she finally is that's when they will return home.

The made it to the treehouse within a hour to see the cage up in the tree and a treehouse next to it.

"Emma!" David called out. Pan smirked knowing they were here and Wendy jumped a little at the noise. He originally was going to surprise them by being in the treehouse while they tired aimlessly to get her down but if he didn't show up sooner then they'd know Wendy is up here.

"Dad! Mom! Killian! Regina! Henry?!" She yelled out, a little surprised to see Henry and worried but glad that they were here. Emma glanced to see no one at the treehouse window but merely seconds later the group was joined on the ground.

"Well look at this, didn't take nearly as much time to find Emma as it does Wendy." Pan smirked. Pan was a little surprised that Henry was here but none the less it wouldn't effect the plans. Pan called out and the lost boys- that Felix had gathered - surrounded them with weapons ready.

Wendy walked over to the window and a stayed hidden so she could hear them.

"Do you want the savior back?" He mocked the others continued to glare at him while Emma was balling her fists in rage.

"We will get Emma back!" Snow said confidently in her always hopeful attitude. Wendys heart hurt a little at the admittance of the fact they were only there for Emma. She really didn't have much hope that they would also try to save her too. Killian has his new group and her brothers had each other, she was just the plus one option.

"How about a deal? One where you can get Emma back unscathed" Pan smirked starting his plans.

"What deal?" Regina demanded boldly.

"What if we play a little game, one where you have the option to get Emma or Wendy back"

Killian went to refuse but was cut off.

"You have to choose. Emma? or Wendy." He questioned with a innocent look as if it was a easy answer. Everyone's eyes widened even Wendys from in the treehouse.

"You can't possibly-" Snow began to say

"You can." He said cutting her off.

"Well Emma is here now and we don't even know where Wendy is being kept-" Regina began to reason

"No!" Killian countered.

"Maybe she's right Hook, we could get Emma back" David spoke. Wendys heart crashed and Pans smirk deepened. He knew she was listening to every word.

"I know I don't want this either Hook! She just a child! We won't give up on Wendy Hook, but we could get Emma back now!... Then rescue Wendy later" Snow spoke, she still had her hero attitude where she believes they can't fail. But her voice raised when she said later, she wasn't sure what they'd do, it not like they've had the best of luck.

Emma was sitting in the cage, frozen. She knew Wendy was still in the treehouse next to her and the others continued to talk before she could even get a word in.

They argued back and forth between the 3 of them and Hook while Henry stayed silent, he of course wanted his mom back but Wendy was important to him too but can a boy really choose between a friend and his mom?

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