Waking Up

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After explaining to the lost boys what happened to Wendy, they were sad and angry, each of them had at least one good memory with her and the younger ones considered her a mother figure. The boys were usually rowdy and constantly moving but that day they all sat in front of the fire looking at the flames flicker and spark, feeling the heat of it softly radiating on them.

Meanwhile Pan went back to the treehouse and saw her exactly where he left her. It was pretty late so he went to bed, preparing the revenge that he swore upon the town.

The next morning the poofed to where Emma, Regina, Henry, Snow, David, Killian, and The Darling brothers all resided for they all felt it would be best to stick together. They ended up moving over to the house since it was the biggest one.

Everyone was awake when he arrived, they all were standing around the kitchen with their coffee-other then Henry with his cinnamon hit chocolate- discussing how to regain Wendys memories. He walked in and leaned against the door way.

"Nice Coffee break; oh excuse me and hot chocolate?" He smirked

They all were alert but they decided to see how it played out.

"Yes actually, John and Micheal actually make a very nice coffee" David said while sipping his coffee. Pan rolled his eyes at the seemingly normal response. Refina decided to play on his emotions for she knew he showed very few.

"How's Wendy?" She asked, Pan immediately began to glare at her. He didn't need reminding that the love of his life was in a deep sleep that she could possibly never awake from.

"Did you know you caused it?" Regina asked. Immediately he was shocked and confused.

"What?" He replied in disbelief.

"Yeah, you caused it, I was doing research yesterday to figure out why her memory's are gone and it's because of your curse."

Everyone held their breaths, they weren't sure how he'd react.

"That's May true, the curse sister remove anyone's memories!" He yelled, he couldn't have cursed the love of his life like this, he couldn't have.

"It did. You used Wendy as the thing you loved most in the curse but you didn't use her heart. You took the alternative, you put her dna on someone else's heart. By doing so you messed up the curse. The curse was not meant for her to live when it hit. So it took her memories as a glitch. It had to right a wrong. So yes Pan, you did cause it!" She snapped.

Pans eyes widened. He really did cause it.


Dream World

Wendy saw a woman with curly, black hair coming towards her. She couldn't see their face though. It was like a photo that turned out blurry. She saw the woman coming towards her, she held her hands out and Wendy was engulfed in a hug by the mysterious woman. The woman didn't speak at all until she walked away. Wendy didn't understand. She couldn't recall anybody she's met so far with long black hair. But she couldn't remember most people so maybe she did know her. Then in a flash there was a black with black hair, with a blurry face as well. With a flick of his hand she was dressed in dark clothing and her eyes turned a small hue of red. She wanted to scream but she couldn't, she sufficed with running away. But it was endless.

What Wendy didn't know was that there was a figure standing over her bed, Black sand flowing around her. The figure could sense someone's magic nearing so he stopped the dream and disappeared out the window.

Wendy felt herself begin to move. She first was able to lift her pinkie, then her hand, her arm and so forth. She sat up against the bed frame and recalled the dream she had. Who were those people? She questioned if she had know them in her past but before she could dwell on it, Pan poofed into the room and to say he was shocked would be a huge understatement. He ran towards her, jumping on the bed, putting His leg over hers, and engulfed her in a hug. He buried his head in her neck and held her close, not caring if she confused or uncomfortable. He needed her close. But to his luck, she was confused but she liked the hug.

He pulled back a little bit still held her close.

"Do you remember what happened?"

"Bits and pieces. They knocked you out and then I. I remember waking up in her vault and then it went black just as quickly. Then I just woke up." Wendy said.

"You were knocked out by a experimental powder Regina had in her vault. It was a sleeping curse. I wasn't sure if you'd wake." Pan replied before pulling her closer. He was very tempted to cry happy tears but he needed to keep his cool exterior.

"Oh." She didn't know what to say and she was still thinking about those people from her dream. But she knew them.

They stayed like that for the rest of the day and Pan sent a small note to Felix using his magic telling her that she woke up. Felix rushes and told the others boys and they all immediately were happy again, then quickly turned vengeful like Pan.

Meanwhile a flying silhouette races across the sky when it was pitch black. The shadows were keeping an eye on the cabin and the saviors little group. But this shadow was looking for 2 people who had arrived in town before him. But he couldn't find where they were lurking.


Hey guys! Hope you like the chapter, sorry it's a little shorter than usual. The next one I'm planning to introduce who the silhouettes are.

W.P 💚✨

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