His Dark Side

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Heys guys! So mild trigger warning for the flashback, it's not too serious it's just him being forceful. It's nothing too inappropriate but I decided to say it. Feel free to skip over it and if you do I have a short summary at the end to explain the basics of what happened.


"How do you know Wendy?" Pan sneered jealousy seeping through his pores. He stood in front of her as if he could block Jacks sight of her.

"We met the other day, I warned her about these people and I gave her the snow flake charm to call me." He replied smugly, he is full of mischief. Pan narrowed his eyes and was about to retaliate when Wendy spoke up.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner Peter, It truly slipped my mind until this... incident." She said while remembering her stupidity to follow a stranger. Pan narrowed his eyes for a few more seconds but softened and turned towards her.

"It's alright. I'm just glad your safe." He replied. He deep down knew that he was pissed.

He was mad, he had to put up a mask in front of Wendy cause otherwise this Jack person would be gone. He would call her his and,
He didn't have to put up a mask that he was perfect. He dared to say he missed how things were before. Before StoryBrooke, Before The little gang, before Henry.

Pan remembered a part of one of his darker days and he even wished to retreat back to that.


Wendy ran through the thick Neverland forest watching out for dangers at every turn. It was dark as could be on the island and she barely missed many tree roots digging up from the ground. She only focused on getting as far away as possible.

She was about to make a slight right when she ran into something. It caused her to stumble back and almost fall to the ground before she was pushed up against a tree.

"You seem to forget, that you can't escape Neverland." He growled holding her against the tree not struggling at all while she fought against him.

"I...will...Escape." She spoke roughly while fighting against his hold and wincing at her back hitting the tree and his hands on her wrists. He leaned close, pressing his body against her own and moved so he could speak right into her ear.

"You won't My Wendy-Bird. You will stay on Neverland forever. Even if you did escape, You have nowhere to go. The London you knew is gone. Your friends have long forgotten you.. You brothers are dead. This life is all you have left. Your not leaving, because your mine." He spoke with fake sympathy and with his manipulative nature showing through. He still held her close and place a kiss on her neck. Then he decided to take it a step further, he began to leave a mark on her neck. He figured it was the best way to show that she was his. She struggled against him but she was not match for his strength nor magic helping him. After he was done he kissed her on the lips almost painfully.

"There, just a reminder you are mine, My Wendy-Bird. Maybe a little time in the treehouse will do you some good." He growled.

Tears in her eyes threatened to fall and she finally realized that she truly had no where to go. But, who's to say she couldn't make a new life for herself. Wendy still wanted to leave but that seed of doubt was then placed into her mind.

Would she ever leave?

Flashback over

(A/N: If you decided to skip the flashback it's basically just more Dark Pan stuff from her first stay on Neverland. This memory will be important.)

"I'm going to go look for her. I suggest going back indoors." Jack said aiming it at Wendy and ignoring Pan who was staring off into space moments prior then flew away.

"Let's go home My Darling."

Meanwhile sometime later on the other side of town

"She almost bought it! She would have came if it wasn't for that meddling little psychopath." Gothel mumbled lividly. She was so mad that she didn't even notice that she mumbled herself and she certainly hates mumbling.

"Now that thats failed I will just do my plan." Her accomplice spoke. Gothel rolled her eyes but decided not to comment.

With that they flew off towards the treehouse. They peeked their head in and saw them both asleep. He smirked and flew in the window. He conjured up a black horse and it ran towards Wendy. It engulfed her in black dust and then poofed away. Wendy began turning in her sleep, and They flew out the window before Pan could wake up.

In her dream.

Wendy is running through the trees, jumping over logs and she hears the noises of people running after. She pushes her legs to run faster but she fears that she is too slow and too tired. She began to slow down, and with that the scene changed she was in the middle of StoryBrooke. The sky a dark, devious grey. She looked around and saw she was all alone. She walked and saw the huge clock in the middle of town, with a stranger figure on top. Once she got close a dark horse flew down and lifted her up to the tower.

The figure turned around and looked her in the eye.

"Tell Peter Pan, that Pitch says hello."

With that the black horses crowded her , engulfing her almost like a tornado would. The dust went into her mouth and covered her head to toe. But she didn't know, she had her eyes closed and she couldn't feel the dust covering her.

With that Wendy shook awake.

When she woke up completely she had a overwhelming sense of fear, she felt paralyzed. She glanced over and saw Pan awake and looking at her with concerned eyes.

"What's wrong My Darling?"

Wendy opened her mouth and closed it a few time before words came out of her mouth, almost as if she was programmed.

"Pitch says hello." She spoke in a monotone voice. Pan eyes widened.


He remembered him. That devious shadow who small kids names the boogeyman.

Pan engulfed her in a hug and tried to calm her down before he let his rage take control.

"It's okay, I'm here. I'll always be here." He said running his hands through her hair in a attempt to calm her down.

He knew that he couldn't be weak anymore. He couldn't be soft. He would need to go back to who he was. He needed to get her memories back, she needed to be the strong, brave Wendy he knew. He needed to be who he was before StoryBrooke, and that Pan is one that shouldn't be messed with.

Let's play.


Hello again! So I while I was writing Ive felt like I've made his character too soft. Peter Pan from ouat is a villain and doesn't care about many people (as he killed Felix in a part of the canon tv show.). I definitely have not had enough action or anything like that. Especially when I think back to the first part of this book and he literally killed everyone in the police station. I'm going to do more flashbacks hopefully to add to his mindset, but I may start making him darker again. Please comment if you think he shouldn't go too dark and if you do I'll try and make it that way but he his Peter Pan, he needs to be a little dark cause that's what this whole book was really about was dark and possessive Pan.

Means To An End- OUAT DarlingPan story जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें