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"Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." She says walking through the door with Pan following close behind


"Wendy!" They all shouted at once and rushed to her. She was slightly overwhelmed. But she had a feeling in way, it was like with Pan earlier. She knew they wouldn't hurt her, purposely at least.

They each took turns telling Wendy stories, either it be a memory of them or Neverland itself. But Felix had warned them before they came that they weren't allowed to talk about punishments, or what happened to her in the past.

They talked until it was almost sunset, Wendy had already tales too every lost boy. She had a pretty good idea of what Neverland looked like and felt like but she doubted her thought up one could ever compare to the real one. Deciding she wanted to talk to the people that she saw yesterday.

Pan could see the wheels turning in her head. He knew she'd eventually want to talk to the Savior and her little gang but he wanted to hold it off. He needed to play this move carefully, because if she thinks he's hiding something she'll stop trusting him as she is now. Yet, if he lets her go to them they'll say something that will make her hate him.

She got up to go ask him to meet them but he quickly shot up and changed the subject.

"Wendy, would you like to try a milkshake?" Sure it was risky and he knew that but maybe they'd stick inside like the rest of StoryBrooke residents cause they are too afraid to face him, which he mentally snickered about.

Now she was torn... she could either try to find out more about her last or she could go try a milkshake that is presumed to be delicious with her boyfriend.

"Sure!" She said happily. She couldn't remember the last time she ate... literally.

With that he grabbed her hand and practically dragged her out of the door, but she was able to manage a quick wave before disappearing from the lost boys sight. Once they left they snickered a little bit, it was a little bit funny to see Pan rushing.

Pan took the long way through the forest that let out on the opposite side of town to stall as long as possible. He didn't want to share His Wendy. Deep inside he knew that if she ever finds out she will be pissed. They arrived into town a little ways away from Mr.Golds Pawnshop, because the few citizens on the street it felt like almost a normal day in StoryBrooke, Maine. But it wasn't, not even close.

Little did Peter Pan know that Grannys was a very popular meeting place for the Savior and her pals. They were in mid conversation at Grannys.

"We need to do something about the town, we haven't even seen Pan or the lost boys in a day, surely they'd like to make a big entrance. That's how Pan works." Regina says with a scoff.

"I know Regina. We can't exactly go up to him and be like 'Hey Pan, how are you?, do you know how long this taking over StoryBrooke thing is gonna take? Cause I got an appointment at 3' now can we?" Emma spoke sarcastically to hide her worry. Regina sent a nasty glare her way and Emma just shrugged, she wasn't intimidated by Regina, and probably never would be.

"We also need to figure out how to get Wendys memory back and whose shadow that was the other day and what Pan is up to. We've got a full plate" Henry said and they all looked at him exasperatedly, going unnoticed by him of course, they needed to take on one task at a time.

"Let's start with Pan because he once he's gone-" David began to speak

The door chimes ring as someone walks in the door, but it wasn't only one person.

"Once Pans gone what?" A new voice pitches n from the door. Wendy stood a little behind him as he held her hand. She wanted to know who they were and if they knew her.

"Go on, continue." Pan says snarkily, this definitely puts a dent in his avoid 'The Savior and Her Lost Puppy's.

"What are you doing her Pan?" Snow questioned. Regina tugged Henry behind her as if Pan didn't already see him.

"Oh? Well can't I just go get a milkshake with my beautiful girlfriend?" Pan asked mock innocently, Wendys face slowly turned red at the mention of her being calling Beautiful, not to mention being the girlfriend of him.

"We all know it's more than that Pan." Killian growled at him. That was the first time Killian spoke in awhile. Emma was relieved to see that he wasn't going to stay silent.

"Well of course, but not right now." He said before guiding Wendy to a booth with his hand on the small of her back. She smiled at him and sat down. This special treatment made her feel as if she was in a trance. She forgot that she was going to talk to the group.

Pan figured that Granny was in hiding so he went behind the counter and got the stuff for a milkshake. Sure he could just poof it up, but he wanted to try to put it in the diner cups he knew she liked for some reason, she said they were unique then other cups, but that was just silly.

While he was back there Killian, Henry, and her brothers rushed over to her and tried to start a conversation.

Meanwhile in the back Pan got out the ingredients, once reading how to make a milkshake he decided he's already done enough by getting the ingredients so he just clicked his fingers and the ingredients began to make themselves into a milkshake. He knew it was risky leaving her with them but he had leverage since he could bring up that most of them separated on bad terms. It could be just like before they came to Neverland. It would be wonderful.

The shakes finished so he grabbed them and went to walk back into the main room when a shadow flew in front of him. Pans eyes widened, She was supposed to be on Neverland. Pan quietly called his shadow and it  came swooping in and grabbed the forearm of the other shadow.

"How did you get here?, and you were supposed to make sure Wendys shadow never got here." He sneered each word but silently, although it will never admit, Pans shadow was glad to be reunited with Wendys.

Sorry for the cliffhanger (but I have to admit that I have cliffhangers more often then not 😂) Thank you so much for 1k reads! I appreciate you all so much and I'm glad y'all like my book. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for future parts or the ending. Thanks and have a great day (or night) 😆💚

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