Pitch's Move

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"That dream is over; it's time for fear to rule the world."

And her world turned black.


Wendy fell to the ground while Peter rushed to catch her. He scooped her into his arms and held her closely bridal style.

Meanwhile another figure approached, them being Gothel. She walked confidently towards the group while Emma stared at her thinking that she literally looks like she came out of the Disney movie.

"Did i miss much?" She asked as she turned to Pitch with a smirk on her face.

"What did you do?" Pan demanded to Pitch ignoring Gothel. Glaring at him as the flashbacks of his family came to mind. Cottages burning, while buildings exploded and families torn apart.

"Oh nothing really, just a pinch of black dust. To bring you into your deepest and darkest nightmare."

Black sand gathered around then blinding them as they attempted to shield their eyes. But the sand rushed at everyone, it surrounded their senses, every inch of them were being hit by the black sand. Everyone's breathing sped up as they felt sudden fear. The dust amplifying the fear they felt at that moment. As the dust cleared they all fell to the floor.

Pitch and Gothel smirked as they watched the hero's fall. They knew they hadn't gotten everyone but the opportunity was too hard to miss. Gothel smirked at the fallen form of Wendy Darling. Wendys innocence reminded her of Rapunzel, and with they way she is drawn to bad boys. She scowled at the thought of the princess, but masked it as she thought of the plans for the girl in front of her.

Just at that moment Regina, Snow, and David came around the corner and saw them on the ground. They rush towards Pitch and Gothel but by then they are too late, they both have disappeared and the dust has taken affect.

Meanwhile Jack had just saw the ending of what happened after searching through the other side of the town for the duo. He went after Pitch and Gothel while the others rushed towards their friends and family.

"Emma! Henry!" Snow yelled and she ran towards them with David by her side and Regina only a little behind running to check on Henry.
They all reached down and shook someone, checking each of their pulses just to make sure they are still alive; and they were.

"What knocked them out?" Snow asked as they failed to wake them up.

"Pitch, Pitch black and his dust." Regina says while mumbling the first part. She remembered hearing of pitch when he visited the enchanted forest. He visited only for a little and that was to burn down some villages for his own amusement.

"Pitch?" David questioned.

"He's... okay, so you know Santa Claus, Easter Bunnt, Tooth Fairy,  Sandman, and Jack Frost right?" Regina explains while holding Henry.

"Yes? But aren't they just myths-" snow says before getting interrupted.

"Snow, haven't you learned anything about myths, we are literally story book characters. They are real, they are called guardians and Pitch is the opposite of what you call a guardian. He brings pain and suffering wherever he goes. He is a living nightmare. That means something coming from me."

David and snow had their eyes widened in shock. This wasn't their typical storybook character like themselves. They wouldn't be able to go read a book and find out what they need to know.

"He burned down villages in the enchanted forest and killed hundreds. But when he is not killing he is using his black dust to transform dreams into nightmares. Each preying on the fear of the person it's drawn to." Regina continues speaking.

"That's why you've never heard of him. I've known of him since I trained with Rumplestiltskin for the curse." Regina says while spitting out the name as he hasn't tried to help them.

"What do we do?"

Jack POV

I followed them as they reached the forest line. I wanted until they walked further into the forest and away from the town of people. After they were far enough away I flew in front of their path.

"Oh look, the almighty guardian Jack Frost finally found us Hmm? Took you awhile" Gothel remarked.

"What do you want with Wendy?!"

"You see Jack, people who feelings tend to grow attached to people or objects. And when you do, you become vulnerable or susceptible to hurt when you can't protect that thing. If you take away the one important thing in someone's life, their whole world will come crashing down. Like you and that little boy Jamie. That is why we are here. Peter Pan is a menacing devil who doesn't deserve the love he has. He deserves nothing other than a eternity of torture? And what better way to cause that then to take away the thing he loves most, Wendy Darling. The girl he kidnapped and forced to stay with him after I killed his family. The girl who will break the heart of the devil child himself."

Jack stared at him incredulously, all this to get back at Peter Pan? Hurting a innocent girl? He knew he wouldn't be able to do this alone.

"Don't look at me like that, old friend. you must have known this day would come. My nightmares are finally ready. Are you?"

Jack thought he was talking about his usual nightmares, but Pitch learned a trick or two.

"You can't do anything to her. I won't let you!"

"Oh yeah? You and what army?"


With that Tooth, Sandy, Bunny, and North all walked towards them.

And so Jack decided not to fight alone.

But, Pitch knew Jack wouldn't fight by himself.

That's why he already made a move.

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Hey guys! Sorry it's taken me forever to update. Anyways, sorry if you are not a fan of Rise Of The Guardians, I thought they would be a fun way to make this story different then others and because I feel like they will make things interesting.

I hope you all are doing well 💚

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