The Cabin

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"I don't want to talk right now" Wendy said, she just wanted to sit peacefully without worrying about Pan.

"Well then I'll just sit by you." He got down and sat next to Wendy on the grass. The both laid there silently before it was too much silence that he could take.

"Can we talk now?" He said dragging out the ow sound.


"Too bad." He said with a smirk and she just rolled her eyes.

"Fine. You want to talk? I'll talk. Because of you murdering people in this town my family blames me. They may not say it out loud but I can see it in their eyes that they don't want to be near me. I got Killian's best friend killed! Killian was the only father figure I had left, my blood father died! Same with my mother! The blue fairy may have been full of poppycock but she didn't need to die! Then getting the others dragged into the game! And it's all my fault. I'm alone. They hate me now." Wendy ranted it all out while Pan held back a smirk. This is exactly what he wanted. He wanted her to space herself from others so he could swoop in and it would be just like before when she didn't have her memories.

"Well I bet they do, you did make them players on the game board, you did get Smee killed. Why wouldn't they."

Wendy let out a choked sob, it's one thing for her to say it. But it hurts a lot more when other do.

"I'm always going to be here My Darling, even if you don't want me to be" They both chuckled at the last part. But it barely lasted a second for Wendy, she had a question.

"Why can't I take off the necklace?"

His face dropped to a serious face.

"Because, My Wendy-Bird. Your mine. You don't like it?" He said the last part with a smirk.

"I like it. I really do.But it's going to take time for me to start trusting you again."

"I know, but I will get it back. Pan never fails you know"

"Oh I know" she says with a exhausted sigh.

"Wendy!" Emma yelled from somewhere in the forest

"Love!"Hook yelled after.

Wendy scrambles up turning towards the direction they were yelling from. Pan just got up and smirked, waiting for Wendy to make her move.

"I'm not ready to face them." She said staring at the ground.

"I can fly you know I'll take you farther out into the forest. I know of a cabin there. I won't stay if you don't want me to.

Before she could answer Killian and Emma broke through the trees to see Wendy staring at the ground, wary to meet their eyes. She couldn't decide, should she go with them, go off on her own or let Pan take her. Pan smirked from behind her.

"Love!" Killian said reach his arms out with Emma close behind but before he could get closer Pan swooped her up and flew her above them. Guess she didn't need to choose.

"Bring her back Pan!" Emma yelled at him.

"No can do Emma, I finally got My Wendy-Bird back." And with that he flew off into the forest. Leaving once again a angry pirate and a pissed off savior in the dust.

Pan flew Wendy to the cabin and landed on the from door step. There was a few flowers surrounding the house making it more serene and Wendy absolutely loved it!

"This place is beautiful ." Wendy said under her breath but Pan heard it and chuckled at her amused facial expression.

"I'll show you the inside. My Darling" he said the last part with a bow, holding his hand out for her to take. She laughed but quickly stopped once she realized the situation then took his hand.  Pan looked at her and smiled.

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