New Plan

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That night while Emma, Snow, David, Henry, and Regina were sleeping John, Micheal, and to their dismay Killian formed a plan to at least talk to Wendy.

The trio sat at the kitchen table with the blood tracker. Killian had John prick his finger since they couldn't decide who would. Just as they were getting ready to leave Henry had awoken and walked into the kitchen.

"Where are you guys going?" Henry questioned. They all turned to look at him with startled looks.

"Umm nothing, just a friendly conversations between people with common interests" Killian lies.

"Oh really? Your not going off to Wendy on your own?" Henry raised an eyebrow and used his innocence against them. Micheal was getting ready to crack and John was a just waiting for their cover to be blown.

"I'm coming with." Henry said bluntly.

"No your-" Killian began to say because he knew for sure Emma would kill him. Then David and then Snow. Then they'd kill him all over again in the underworld.

"Yes I am or will wake up the others." He replied manipulating.

"Killian we need to leave, just keep a close eye on him" John said looking at the time, he feared the longer the wait the less time they'd have.

"Fine. You have five minutes to be back down here." Killian commanded while a Henry saluted and quietly ran back up stairs to change out of his pjs and gets his shoes. He made it in the 5 minute mark and they began to follow where the spell leads them to. Killian recognized that it had been moved further into the forest. They had no plan, they all were blinded by the fact that she could be brought back to Neverland in seconds.

The made their way into the forest carefully making sure there wasn't lost boys near. After some time and hardly any rest they made it to a treehouse.

"This is it." Killian spoke.

"Now how are we even going to talk to her?" Micheal asked questionably.

"We can try calling her name? she always was a light sleeper." John replied unsurely.

"Alright. But the second we hear footsteps we hide first to make sure it's not Pan. Deal?" Killian said, he put his hand on Henry's shoulder to make sure he got into hiding before someone came to the window.

"Alright." The Darling Brothers agreed at the plan to hide and were glad to have some form of a plan.

Wendy and Pan were fast asleep in the treehouse when Wendy heard noises. She tried to sit up but failed since Pans arm was around her waist. She smiled at him peacefully sleeping but continued to try and get up. She carefully removed his arm and replaced it with a pillow. She pecked a kiss on his head and walked to the window.

She leaned against it looking all around as much as she could since the forest was dark, but all the years on a dark island helped adapt her eyes. She saw shadows moving towards her and she backed up, ready to alert Pan if it's a threat.

"Wendy!" She knew that voice.

"Micheal?" She barely spoke.

"Wendy." John sighed in relief.

Tears began to gather in her eyes but she willed them not to fall.

"We are here to help you Wendy!" Killian spoke loud enough for her to hear.

"I can't leave." She doesn't know if it really is can't or won't.

"You Can Wen!" Henry said as well and her eyes watered at the sight of the boy who called her "Wen" even though she had played a part in almost taking him away from his family.

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