Lost Boys

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Pan takes the Lost Boys to the abandoned cabin, perfect for them since it's in the woods.

"Tomorrow morning I'm going to go and rile up the other players and later it's your guys turn." Pan spoke with his signature smirk

They all nod with a mischievous smile. They sit around the fireplace in the cabin and Pan plays his flute and they all drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Back in town

The group sat at the kitchen table with Wendy in the couch talking about what they can do to protect Wendy and the town.

"We need to focus on keeping the townspeople in doors with the windows closed and locked same with doors, that takes care of the shadow and Killian, Emma, John and Micheal should stay here with Wendy why the rest of us inform the town."  Snow explained the plan.

"We need to inform them as soon as possible. Pan moves quickly, he doesn't waste a second if he doesn't want it to be" Killian said glancing at Wendy in the couch in the living room, still passed out.

"We will go out and inform anybody we can tonight and tomorrow we send out an alert that we advise them to stay indoors until the treat is gone." Regina spoke fiercely.

"Let's do this." They group that was to warn the town said their goodbyes and left the other half of the group talking about Wendy.

"When will she wake up?" Micheal asked softly

"Soon I'm pretty sure, she passed out so it could take anything from 5 minutes from now or an hour." Emma explained

"We can't let Pan take her back, he's a monster!" John exclaimed, everyone nodded in agreement.

"She won't be going back, not if I can bloody help it" Killian said with a frown.

"Pan considers Wendys his and he is very possessive and dead set on bringing her back. Why?" Emma asked questionably. Wendys explained some parts to her but it can't hurt to get an outsiders perspective.

"When Pans shadow came to get her from the nursery, he didn't take her straight away, Wendy told us what the shadow told her and how it described Neverland to be this wondrous, magical place of dreams. Pan wanted her and we couldn't stop him, we were only young at the time when he first came so we had no way to stop him. Wendy said that they made a deal for her to leave for one night but one turned into two and he forced her to stay on the island and told her lies to keep her mind from finding out the truth."

"Pan took Wendy all's those years ago for storytelling, but as the years went on she was less compliant, she started getting some of her memory's back in pieces, and it didn't help that she was with my crew sometimes." Killian started to explain

"He grew angry, you could tell by how the island shifted in a sense, he was mad that she wasn't being his little puppet. He got rough and cruel, he tore her shadow from her body to be like his, he wanted full control and his shadow would be in charge of hers. But Pan slowly tried to snuff out her fire so she ran and ran but she could never get far. One day Pan made a deal to make my crew and I leave, but it wasn't a deal. He was sending us away because he was jealous of all the times Wendy spent on my ship. Once we were sent away I never saw her again until we found her." He finished.

Everyone was shaken up, Snow and David saw her has a little girl still even if her mind is bigger than theirs. Her brothers shook in fear and anger, they knew that he wouldn't treat her right. But they didn't know about the good times. After he brought her back he was kinder and didn't purposely hurt her as much but they didn't know that. Wendy was the only one who'd know.

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