New Players

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Regina used Magic to heal John from the shock and Micheal woke up soon thereafter since he was just knocked out from John. But no one could get to Wendy so they had to play the waiting game.

An hour later Wendy groaned and sat up. She was confused for a few seconds before she remembered.

"John! Micheal!" She tan back to the window to look outside.

"Wendy!" Killian said running to the window.

"Are John and Micheal okay?"

"Yes we are done Wendy." John said walking into view of the window.

"I love you guys. I'm sorry I don't say it enough"

"I love you too."

"Don't forget about me" Micheal said coming up to the window.

Wendy has tears form in her eyes. She had forgotten them, but they never forgot her. She starting crying and sat down under the window.

"Wendy?" John spoke.

"It's all my fault! I did forget you guys! You guys never forgot about me and I could hardly remember I had brothers! I feel so terrible."

"Wendy listen to me." Micheal said with a serious voice surprising them both.

Wendy poked her head into view.

"Micheal went and touched the glass hesitantly but found it wouldn't hurt him so he laid his palm against it and Wendy put her hand up to his. John our his hand on the other side and Wendy repeated the action.

"We don't blame you for forgetting, you didn't by choice. You were forced and we didn't live in the same place all our time, We've traveled and explored while doing our assignments. So don't think for a second that your terrible. You are our sister, no matter what. I love you." Micheal said with tears streaming down his face.

"I love you too."

"We will always be together Wendy, even if we aren't physically. We will always be sibling. I love you also." John spoke sobbing.

"I love you guys so much."

All the others stood back and let them have this talk, Regina was trying to figure out the charms and Emma was talking with her parents and Hook was just behind the Darling brothers waiting to talk to Wendy.

Meanwhile back with Pan

Pan went into town to talk to Felix, the met at the docks. When Pan arrived Felix was already there standing ready staring into the ocean but he felt the breeze that always happened when Pan was near so he turned around.

"Hello Felix"

"Pan." He said with a nod.


"Hook, his new crew and Wendys Brothers are trying to find her."

"I knew that."

"That's it."

"Good. Now we just need more people for the game." He said with a smirk.

Felix trusted that whoever he meant, it will be the correct option so he didn't question it.

Pan flew off in the direction of Golds shop to make a deal. He needed some people to stay off the board for his plans to work. He walked in and the doorbell chimes rang.


"Pan." He replied laced with Venom.

"I have a deal for you."

Means To An End- OUAT DarlingPan story Where stories live. Discover now