Wendys Guardian

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Hey guys! I know in the last part I'd said I would reveal the characters but I decided not to reveal them all. I introduced a new one. Hope you like them.

Pan planned for this day to be the day where he finally changes StoryBrooke to his liking.

He and Wendy held each other all night and luckily Wendy didn't get any more weird dreams. In the morning Pan kissed her head as she slept and left a note for her in the treehouse. He wanted her to stay up there for as long as she'd let him keep her there. Of course he was being very over-protective, well more than usual, but he deserved to act that way in his mind.

He arrived into town while it was still dark. With his magic he made more vines grow throughout the town, the lost boys walked in a messy formation behind him and Felix. They each had their weapon of choice and they were skilled in there weapons. Pan pointed at different shops that he felt were too much "StoryBrooke" each point made the glass and door explode. After each and every distraction the lost boys shot arrows at the shop to have more damage and send a message of what the New Neverland is. It is the residents of StoryBrookes own personal hell.

The town was destroyed by the time the sun came up. No one dared leave their building if they heard the noise. Emma and the others were too far off away from the shops they destroyed to do something about it. Just as the sun had fully risen even led the lost boys into the old mayors office to serve as their headquarters. Pan sat in the large chair with his feet up on the desk in front of him and his hands resting behind his head. Now it was time to wait for the others reaction.

They walked out of the house that morning to head to granny's for breakfast. They walked into the center of town and saw the glass shattered and arrows littering the stores. Snow gasped and covered her mouth and David attempted to comfort her. Henry has the same reaction to Snow. The darling brothers didn't know the town as much but were appalled by the arrows and the damage . Emma, Killian, and Regina all took the route of anger. Anger for messing with the town. Anger for scaring the people they know.

Snow, Charming, John, Micheal, and Henry were all sent to Grannys while Emma, Regina, and Killian went to the mayors office. Or Pans headquarters now.

They walked in blinded by rage. Regina slammed the door open with her magic with Killian and Emma in tow.

"Lovely morning isn't it?" Pan said sarcastically.

"You have some nerve Pan!" Emma said stepping forward threateningly but only got a smirk out of the boy.

"Why'd you destroy the town?" Regina questioned in her calm, sneering tone.

"Well, it's my town now, those measly little buildings were in the way." He retorted.

"We need to find some way to settle this Pan." Killian said speaking up. He subtly looked around if he could see Wendy's unconscious body but to no avail. Pan wasn't going to tell them she woke up, The needed to bask in their guilt longer. Pan say up in the chair, putting his feet under the desk and crossing his arms in front of him.

"Why would I need to settle this? I don't need to. I led you here to tell you the rules for the game so you can pass along the message."

"We aren't playing your games!" Emma replies

"You'd like to take this offer Emma, Would you rather not have rules?" He asked in a mock sad voice.

"Fine! What do you want?" Emma said before Regina could stop her.

"You have nothing I want but here's the rules.
1. Curfew is at 7:00, if found outside the lost boys are free.
2. No leaving town, that's for you Emma since you and Henry could leave without your memory's disappearing.
3. No kidnapping any of the lost boys nor The Queen.
That should be about it for now."

Means To An End- OUAT DarlingPan story Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя