Final Battle Part 1

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Sorry it's taken me forever to post but I hope you guys like it! ♡


Pitch knew that fairy tales were a source of happiness among people. He already tried to get rid of the guardians, to which he had failed. The fairytales were his next step. He heard about the curse Regina had cast amongst the enchanted forest. He grew inspired and created his own curse. One to which they would all become a frightening version of themselves, one to give all children and adults nightmares. They wouldn't be heard of, seen, or ever thought about again in the world as a happy thought. Kids would no longer grow up hearing stories of true love or magic. They would not experience the happiness they could have felt as they grow. They would hear of children being taken away in the night, a women who poisons every apple, a girl who would tell the most scariest stories in existence. That wasn't even the tip of the iceberg. No fairytale character would get away for the curse, nor would there be a savior to break it. He had promised Mother Gothel something she wanted, which was eternal youth, since the curse was like The Evil Queens she would gain that youth from the curse. He had even promised her the dark one dagger if she desired, but he knew he would never follow through. She was too prideful, narcissistic, and plain idiotic to deal with magic that complicated.

The group needed to sleep, Snow and Charming had suggested it. They had been awake for too long to even think clearly about defeating the boogeyman. Micheal and John got one room, Snow and charming , Killian and Emma, Regina and Henry, and Wendy and Peter. The guardians didn't need to sleep so they went out to do their normal duties, but Sandy stayed nearby the town just in case.

Wendy and Peter went up to their shared room and Peter scooped Wendy up into his arms making her gasp before giggling lightly making him smirk. He snapped his fingers and they bit he were wearing comfortable clothes to sleep in and he places her lightly on the bed but soon joined her and wrapped his arm around her waist while she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Peter?" She questioned quietly as she played with the straps on his bracelet.

"Hmm my love?" He spoke cheekily but it made her blush so he didn't regret a thing.

"When will this be over? When will we be able to live the life we have been denied?" Wendy asked. She was grateful for the friends she's made in the town and the family she's found. But, she desired to be with her true love, in a place familiar to them where they weren't expected to save the world.

"After Pitch, we will go wherever you want. I denied you that before, and for that I'm sorry. I have loved you for a long time Wendy and that will continue on for eternity." Wendy hugged herself to him tighter which he gladly returned.

"I want to go back to the Neverland. We could play games like we used to, dance with the boys, hunt, play fight, all the stuff that us and the boys had missed out on growing up. Neverland was my home and of course I love the friends and family I have found but you are my true love and the boys have been my family as well." Peter was happily listening to her say she wanted to go back to Neverland. He meant it when he said he would take her anywhere she wanted but he had missed being the king of Neverland.

"I would love that as well."

"But of course we would have to come back an visit at least 1 or twice every few weeks if not more. Even just for a couple hours. Neverland will forever be my home but I couldn't abandon the people I've met. I could abandon Killian. Nor John and Micheal."

"Of course my darling. I will take you back here whenever you please." He finished then kissed her forehead making her smile. They cuddled up in bed and fell into a deep sleep with the help of sandys dream sand. They both dreamed of the life they could have with each other.

Everyone woke up the next day feeling refreshed and ready to take down Pitch once and for all and the Guardians had returned.

"He's approaching the town and he came from just south of the woods. He has some kind of scroll in his hand." Jack told the group as they snacked on a few granola bars.

Regina shared a look with Emma who got what she was thinking.

Snow saw the look. "Another curse?" Snow questioned looking towards Regina in a accusatory manner.

"It wasn't me! This time at least." Regina defended as Pan rolled his eyes. This is what they did with the limited time as Pitch was literally about to enact his plan.

"Can we move this along please?" Killian spoke from the corner of the room where he had been leaning against the wall.

Wendy nodded at him and they made their plan.

The group joined Pitch at the center of town where he stood with Mother Gothel at his side.

"Come to see the show?" Pitch smirked as Gothel let out a wicked laugh.

(Sorry I had to say this "you fowl loathsome, evil little cockroach!" Now on with the story)

The guardians were behind him while Regina, Emma, Snow, Charming, Killian, Pan, and Wendy stood in front of them. Micheal and John were back at the house watching Henry as they didn't have much fighting experience.

"Why are you doing this Pitch?" Emma questioned holding up her gun, while she had a sword sheathed in a waist belt.

"You'll never know what it's like to be the darkness people fear! You'll never be called a monster. But now, now you will." Pitch held up the scroll and began saying words that made a black dust surround the groups, Jack attempted to freeze it, Tooth was trying to find a hole in it, North was hitting it with his twin swords, Sandy was trying to get rid of it with his gold sand and Bunny was trying to go under it they all failed.

Emma shot at it, Snow did as well with her bow, David hit it with his sword alongside Killian and Regina was blasting it with her magic.

Pan didn't even attempt it as he saw the others failing as did Wendy.



"What are we going to do?"


Means To An End- OUAT DarlingPan story जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें