Waking Up

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Hey everyone!
I would like to say sorry because it's taken me over a month to update this story. Even with that this chapter is more of a filler chapter but the next one is where everything will start. That being said I hope this part isn't too bad and I hope you like it ♡


Pan woke up next and he was still a little out of it but he wouldn't show weakness in front of his enemy's. He focused it all into rage. He sat up with his hands crossed over his knees and glared after the people around him. He snatched Wendy from where she was still passed out and held her close.

But what he didn't know is that she was seeing things worse than he did. She was seeing him. But she was seeing the moments from being in the land without magic. The police station. She watched as he killed them all again. She ran down and alley and he stopped her alongside Felix.

It all came back to her and she felt fear. Fear of Pan. Fear of what he's capable of. But that's because she only saw the bad parts not the good. But Pitch wasn't the boogeyman because he gave people good memories.

That's when she woke up. Wendy looked around desperately as the room began to feel like it was closing in and she saw the people around her saying something but her heart was beating in her ear blocking out the noise of whats around her. She felt a hand touch hers before looking up into dark, forest eyes. Her eyes widened and he looked at her desperately but her mind was telling her to get away.

Run. Run. Run. It constantly ran through her head before she darted for the door with Pan close behind with her brothers and Killian close behind. She passed the clock tower and the library luckily no one was on the streets because they would think she was crazy. Pan caught up to her and grabbed her. He held her tight against his chest preventing her from running away.

"No. No. No. let me go!" He cried while hitting his chest, not even making him flinch but made him look at her with sadness in his eyes. He saw he fear in his eyes and used a little magic to sen glimpses of what she saw making him fill with anger and dread. Anger at pitch for causing this mess. Dread because she didn't need to see that again.

He wanted to fix this. So he pulled a Prince Charming.

Pan pulled Wendy into a kiss. She froze at first as did her brothers and Killian but they knew it was necessary to calm her down, but it didn't mean they liked it.

Wendy recuperated the kiss as flashes began to go through her mind. Him saving her, Their first kiss, their first I Love You, everything that made her fall in love.

Pan pulled back and no longer saw the fear in her eyes.

"Mission Accomplished." He thought to himself as he stared at the girl he loved once again mirroring the love in his eyes.

She smiled at him before pouring making him want to coo at her. Wendy was adorable when she was mad.

"Again? Seriously? How many times will I have to forget I love you? I am missing out on important moments!" She huffed and he had to hold in his laughter at the girl while her Brothers and father side in relief that she was back to normal but cringed at the love dovey parts.

Regina had poofed to the using her magic and she rolled her eyes as she saw them standing around.

"Come on guys let's go! We need to figure this out." They still looked at her as she appeared out of no where.

Regian scowled "we'll come on!" They rushed over and she poofed them back to the house. But when they got there they were in for a little surprise.

Standing in the living room, were the guardians.

"Wendy!" Jack said glad to see she was okay. The others had filled them in once they showed up at the door. Even though they were pretty confused.

"Hello Jack." Wendy said smiling up at him as he floated in the air. Peter huffed and pulled her closed to him making Jack roll his eyes.

"Let's get down to business." North spoke up after they all introduced themselves.

"Pitch is here for one thing as far as he's admitted and that is to destroy you Wendy" he spoke looking at her sadly "he wants to hurt Pan. But he wouldn't just be there for that. He has a bigger agenda, Pitch wants to get rid of all fairytale characters. Forever." Regina looked unfazed but on the inside she knew she just had to be ready for anything. She would die if it meant Henry could be safe. Same with Emma. David and Snow knew they needed to fight to provide hope, the darling brothers were going to fight for themselves and for the years they spent away form their sister, Killian would fight for his daughter, Pan would fight for Wendy and to avenge his family.

Wendy would be fighting for her life. Her love for Peter. Her brothers. And her dad.

"We have fought pitch before, he feeds off fear as does his black dust. What we don't know is why Gothel is assisting him. She is a wild card. We don't know what she might do or who she's after but Pitch is the real threat." Jack spoke while hovering in the center of the room.

What was Gothels plan?

Means To An End- OUAT DarlingPan story Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin