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Song suggestion on second slide 😊


With that Peter finished his story and glanced at Wendy's face, surprised to see tear streaks coating her face.

"What's wrong my love?"

"It's just, I wish that you didn't have to live through that, your father and the death of your mother and brother. I wish you didn't have to be alone on a island for a short time to grieve alone. I wish I could have been there for you."

Pan turned her towards him and put his hands on either sides of her face, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. He softly tilted her head up to look at him and green eyes met blue.

"Love, I'm glad you weren't there, I wouldn't want you to live that life. I love you for the person you are today and our experiences in our lives made us who we are today. I can't imagine a world without you, and frankly I don't want to. If I didn't have to go through that I would have never met you. Of course it sucks but that was my destined path, the path that led me to you." He said softly in a tone barely higher than a whisper.

"I love you Peter." She said while gazing into his eyes.

"I love you too."

"Wendy!" She backs away a tad from Peter and turns around to see Killian, Henry, and Emma bounding towards them. Emma with a hand on her gun in case Pan tries something.

"Killian!" Wendy cry's out in joy. They meet halfway and practically tackle each other into a hug. He holds her close,  daring to give himself hope that she was here and she remembered him.

Emma and Henry smiled that them from behind. Henry was waiting for a hug as well but he figured he could wait. He was glad she finally got her memory's back from what he could tell. He missed Wendy. The fearsome lost girl who is also very caring.

Pan watched with mixed emotions. Sure, he was thrilled for her memories to be back, their moments earlier proved that. But, he is also very jealous in a way. He doesn't want to share Wendy. She is his, and only his. He didn't think- no he knew that the others would try and take her away from him, maybe even against her will. Yet, he wanted her happiness so he toughed it up.

"I missed you so much. You weren't the same without your memories. Your experiences make you, you. I couldn't bear when you couldn't remember me. I love you Wendy. Your my daughter."

Wendy began to have silent tears streaming down her face.

"I love you too dad. I don't remember much from when I didn't remember everyone but I can't imagine how it must have felt." She squeezed him one last time then opens her arms to Henry. He smiled and dashed into her awaiting arms, squeezing her as tightly as possible. He was a few inches taller than her so she went on her top toes and rested her chin on his shoulder. Hugging him back. Sure, they hadn't truly known each other for long but they were similar in a way. Wendy loved him as a brother as he loved her as a sister.

No words were exchanged between the two before they heard more incoming footsteps.

They release the hug and Wendy turns towards the steps just in time to be tackled into a hug by two men.

"Wendy!" They cried out in glee. John and Micheal so her hugging Henry from afar and they knew it meant one thing, she had her memories back. That's how they got to the love filled hug they are in now.

"We were so worried about you... we couldn't imagine you not remembering us again. Not after last time." John spoke seeing Micheal in tears.Wendy recalled when she couldn't removed them after she arrived back from Neverland. Making her squeeze them just a bit tighter.

"I'm here now. I remember."

The others stared at the family with a small smile, other than Pan who just wanted to pull her away and they could continue on their way. He wanted her to be safe. Safe from them, safe from Gothel, and safe from Pitch. A few seconds passed before another voice could be heard.

"Well what do we have here." A menacing voice says from the shadows as the sun begins to set.

Everyone jumped on alert while Peter wished he could contact the lost boys.

"That dream is over; it is time for fear to rule the world."

And her world turned black.


Sorry I haven't posted in forever! I haven't had a clue what to write. I hope you like it and hope you all are doing well ♥

Means To An End- OUAT DarlingPan story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora