37 ◌ purple locks

Start from the beginning

He never expected to see the younger in pastel blue hair with white highlights, but noting is impossible. He could already see the pain he had caused just by staring into his deep brown eyes. yet he managed to look so pretty, so elegant - so ethereal that seonghwa wonders if he actually had that one chance to be able to date him in his past life.


"We've met in college," Seonghwa says instead, not bearing to keep looking at the sorrowful face of the other's. "Before we parted ways."

"Oh! that's why." She giggled, hugging Seonghwa's left arm making him cringe and avoid yeosang's burning gaze drilling holes in his skull. Trying his best, yeosang put on one of his fakest smiles - covering all the pain in one try into concealing the mask on his face. "My name's irene," She started, noticing how seonghwa tensed up a bit by the introduction. "I'm sorry for my fiancé, he's weird with new people."


The words hit him like a bunch of knives in the chest, making him want to jump off a cliff and knock himself off earth. It felt like seonghwa had the knife in hand - cutting his heart in pieces and then throwing every piece away like a child's toy.

Seonghwa's eyes immediately darted towards his upon hearing her using the word, the look of odium and sadness in his eyes as he stared into the eyes he once called his - getting the same stare back but the emotions replaced with grief, anger, and most evidently - hatred.

"Should you... go home?" Seonghwa asks her as he slowly shifts, retreating his hand from her grip awkwardly. Realizing the way the younger's eyes brimmed with shiny tears and how the corner of his eyes glistened, he decided to loosen up things a bit. "I'll go home later."

"Oh, friends catch-up?" She smiled, "okay, but don't be late. I'm making your favorite ricecakes." She turned around, walking out of the cafe and disappearing in an instant.

Seonghwa felt like he had won the euphoria once she was absurd, like a weight lifting off his shoulders. He turned, his eyes immediately meeting the gaze of the other's as his eyes shimmered from tears. "Yeosang... I-"

"Don't you dare." Yeosang's tone was dangerously filled with disgust and enmity. For the first time in years, Yeosang's tone was icy and disdain-filled. a single tear rolled down his cheek as he quickly brought his hand up and wiped away the tear, sniffling a few times to composure himself. "You've found someone new, that's natural." He nodded, smiling to hide away the pain painted on his face, which got worse once more tears fell down his cheeks and fell to touch the counter.

"Yeosang, I just-"

"Just what, huh?" Yeosang punctuated each word through gritted teeth, eyes darkening from anger and disbelief. "That you left me? That you hurt me to death and now you're back with some girl as your fiancé?"

"Sangie..." The way Seonghwa's tone sounded so sad, so remorseful and just full of shame - made yeosang feel guilty for some reason. But the fire in his chest never weakened, never stopped igniting more.

He felt his heart start beating again - hearing the nickname roll out the older's name in so long made his expression soften, but never forgetting what he had done to him - leaving him in the depth of what felt like hell until he throbbed in the burning fire.

He wanted to jump into his arms so badly. He wanted to wake in the bed next to him - he wanted to scream his name when he pounded into him.

But no way in hell he can ever think that. No one's ever caused him so much pain like seonghwa did - he took him for granted, there's no possible way they could go back to how they were before.

Seonghwa has a fiancé, and is getting married sooner or later. The person he once called his, now isn't his anymore and it hurts him deep inside to admit it.

Maybe seonghwa loves her, and she loves him. Maybe they just weren't meant to be, maybe they had a different future ahead of them and a disparate destiny. Maybe they both just wanted to experience the feeling of love, and find their real love-mates in the other life.

"It's yeosang to you." Seonghwa's head shot up, looking at the younger's new attitude in shock. "Now please if you get out, you're wasting my time." He turned around, as Seonghwa leaned over the counter and grabbed his sleeve.

"Yeosang, please let me explain."

Yeosang did not answer. Instead, he pushed away his hand rather harshly, getting the very same surprised face from before. He turned around, crossing arms over his chest waiting for him to leave already.

A few seconds later and the bell jingled, as yeosang turned around and realized seonghwa had actually left.

He felt a strong pang in his heart - realizing he was slowly tearing apart. Just when he realized seonghwa wasn't there anymore, he turned around once more and hid his face in his hands ; crying heavily.

With the one last costumer walking his feet out of the cafe, yeosang took a quick look at the clock on the wall as it struck 10:23, cursing himself, sometimes the costumers for visiting so goddamn late.

If he hadn't spent the whole day thinking about seonghwa, he'd be a terrible liar. He spend most hours crying and crying, nothing but crying.

Putting the keys into his pocket once walking out of the cafe and closing its door, he fixed his hair and roamed his hands over his clothes - as his eyes kept closing for a split second before blurting them open, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he made his way down the street.

When suddenly, he felt a strong hand grab his sleeve and being pulled into a dark alley. Not being able to calculate the situation, he was pushed against the cold brick wall before a pair of similar lips pressed on his own.

And yeosang was gone.

The gap of between five years is something that's never easy, yet he still managed to remember the feeling of the person's lips against his - and it never felt more familiar. He knows this is wrong, but never felt more right.

Without a doubt, he brought his hands up and wrapped them around the other's neck - deepening the kiss as he was pushed against the wall harder with their lips moving in perfect sync.

He parted his lips, letting seonghwa suck on his tongue as he moaned softly into his mouth - shoving all doubts away of his head once he was sure those lips were his and only his.

He didn't even get to say a word before he was dragged down the dark streets, having zero clue what could go on. But the hand holding onto his as Seonghwa suddenly yanked him forward, claiming his lips once more into a sweet kiss was something he could get used to after so long.

that's what made him realize it was actually happening for the first time in five years.

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